IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many scientists inclines that it will be more effective to let children learn a new language when they still at elementary school than secondary school. This writer believes that the benefit that younger children can adj
It is sometimes argued that children's exposure to foreign languages is better from elementary school than later. Although there can be no doubt that it is a great benefit for children to learn foreign languages, I hold
It is a matter of common knowledge that mastering a second language is essential for children's future success and achievements. It is a widespread opinion among the society that pupils should be taught foreign language
In recent years, to learn other different wording than the mother tongue is one of the conspicuous trends among the students. Many advocates postulate that students should learn overseas wording when they enrolled in pri
It is irrefutable that having a knowledge of second language that fits into international standards have broadened the horizons of children, thus, youngsters are urged to learn an overseas wording, which of course metamo
In recent years, to learn other different wording than the mother tongue is one of the conspicuous trends among the students. Many advocates postulate that students should learn overseas wording when they enrolled in sch
In recent years, the trend of learning more than one language is nothing new among the children. Many advocates postulate that students should learn overseas wording when the enrolled in schools rather than waiting till
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