IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I hope these tips will help you for your college project doing about celebrating New Year in different countries.Both old people and children look forward to the New Year. In light of,New Year is a family holiday.
I hope my letter will find you in good health. The reason why I'm writing is to share good changes in my professional life. Probably, you remember that I was looking for a job opportunity at Apple, one of the most remark
hallo my friend how are you? i hope you always keep healthy and good mental, recently I get new job in some company, im writing this letter to you.
I'm inviting you to my home for New Year party and i hope you'll come and don't forget to buy a gift for my brother as he was mad at us last year because of you and this letter will help your college project that you are
I hope this letter finds you in high spirits. I am chuffed to hear that you're interested in learning a new sport, and want my help in this talk. As you're english, I suggest you to play cricket. This game is in trending
I hope you are good. I have a good news. I moved to London 15 days ago for a new job. :) I said before you, that they interested in my design and they follow my works on The company is amazing. It has many r
Hey Sara! It’s been a long time since we saw each other, thus, I am writing this epistle regarding your college project, thus, I would help you and provide some information about how we celebrate the new year in Saudi Ar
Iam writing this letter regarding to inform you about english speaking course. I ever study that in school and course with friend, when I was children my father teach me about subject english.
Hey Sara! It’s been a long time since we saw each other , I’m just writing this epistle to let you know that last week I moved to a new place.
How are you doing bro? I hope you and your family are in good health. I'm quite happy to hear that you are coming to spend your vacation here in Cairo, it will be a great occasion to meet you.
I'm just waiting to let you know that I got the solution to the problem we have been discussed last time. Yes, you thought right I Found new accommodation.
I hope this letter finds you well! I got to know that you are coming to India from Canada for two weeks through your letter. I am glad that you chose my country. I am here to help you with everything.
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