A report by UNEP, states that the human populations have been over-exploiting the Earth’s natural resources by unsustainable development. As a developing country, Vietnam has also been undergoing unsustainable development. Discuss some major causes and effects of this social issue in the context of Vietnam. Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience observations to support your point of view.

According to
a UNEP report, humans have excessively exploited natural
through unsustainable development.
problem is widespread in developing countries
as Vietnam, where population expansion and industrialization have resulted in resource
and environmental damage. The first of two reasons for unsustainable growth is the exponential increase in Vietnam's population over the
several decades. The more people live on Earth, the more
they consume. It is even worse when some dwellers, rather than exploiting enough to meet their needs, try to take advantage of natural
as much as they can, regardless of the consequences. Another crucial factor is the country's heading towards industrialization. Specifically, the usage of natural materials in industrial manufacture and the spread of industrial areas are gradually depleting the Earth's available
excessive consumption depletes natural
and ruins the environment. Natural
has the most pronounced effects. Each day, a significant amount of nonrenewable
as minerals or land surfaces, are extracted and used, pushing them closer to scarcity. The illegal hunting of rare animals is another stark example of resource
, especially as many species, like tigers and rhinos, teeter on the brink of extinction.
, the dumping of household and industrial waste
harms our planet. The toxins from
waste seep into the ground, damaging plants and animals and ultimately threatening human health.
exacerbates environmental degradation, endangering ecosystems and biodiversity.
To sum up
, the unsustainable exploitation of natural
in Vietnam, fueled by population growth and industrialization, presents significant environmental challenges. These include resource
and pollution from waste, which threaten ecosystems, biodiversity, and human health.
underscores the pressing need for immediate adoption of sustainable development practices.
Submitted by minhngoc.dtmn on

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task achievement
To enhance your essay further, consider providing more specific examples or case studies from Vietnam to substantiate your points. This will give a clearer and more concrete picture of the issue.
task achievement
Try to elaborate on how the unsustainable practices specifically affect the livelihoods of Vietnamese people or the country's economy. This will add depth to your task response.
coherence cohesion
Although your logical structure is solid, ensuring a seamless transition between different sections and ideas can improve the overall flow of your essay.
coherence cohesion
You have presented a clear introduction and conclusion, which frames your essay effectively.
task achievement
Your main points are well-supported with relevant examples and explanations. This shows a good understanding of the topic.
coherence cohesion
The essay is logically structured, with each paragraph focusing on a single idea, making it easy to follow.

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