IELTS Writing Samples Band 9

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When people cross the age of 60, they require more attention and aid. Few people think that retired citizens should be financially helped by the government whereas others viewpoint is that they should be self-funded. In this essay, I will discuss both topics and conclude my statement.
Nowadays, as a result of climbing relationships between countries, from an economic standpoint, there are countless products that are imported from overseas. These goods that are utilized by people daily have to transport long distances. While there are some negatives associated with that, I believe the main advantages are more substantial.
Nowadays, in some nations, the ratio of adults to aged people is seemed to be relatively more. While both ranges of people have a vital role in society, I believe that since the younger group brings more innovations and easily adapts to the modern world, the advantages of this ratio outweigh its disadvantages.
People hold conflicting views about whether pupils should choose subjects at school. While some believe that they should spend time learning about the science of foodstuff and how to make it, I argue that it would be better for everyone to be forced into certain key fields.
People seem to be either excited or worried about travelling. The benefits of travelling are not hard to spot out but there is another voice saying that travelling is wasting time and money. I will discuss both perspectives and give my own opinion.
People are calling into question how their overall health level and average weight are balanced. In my perspective, while there are two compelling reasons that reveal why these challenges appear, some rational solutions will be figured out to overcome these problems.
It is argued that the best method to tackle the problem of increasing the rate of traffic jams and pollution is adjusting the price of petrol. I strongly agree with this statement although there might be other metrics to overcome these problems that will be elaborated on in the following paragraphs.
Evidence suggests that students have significantly been affected by both parents and school educators to be constructive individuals during their schooling age. Nevertheless, some people claim that parents can play an active role in this procedure, others believe that it is the education system’s role to do this. Both these views will be elaborated followed by my own take on. I strongly agree.
People tend to have different views about how criminals should be dealt with. While keeping lawbreakers in prisons for a long time can uphold an ordered society, I believe giving them another chance to learn how to be good citizens would bring more advantages to the local community.
Education is a crucial part of people's lives. For several years, classes have been used to display knowledge to many students. However, thanks to technology improvements, some may believe that there are no reasons for attending lessons. I completely disagree with the statement due to the benefits related to face to face interaction at schools.
For a few years, the worldwide population have shown an increasing trend. Some believe that this growth is the greatest problem that inhabitants have experienced. I agree with the statement due to the consequences of an increasing population.
Getting married is a significant chapter in people's lives. While some decide to spend a high budget for the celebration, others believe it is not worth investing in it. I believe that it is better to use the money to purchase other most significant things.
These days, there is an ongoing debate between people believing that the rise in business and cultural affiliation between countries is positive. Meanwhile, some individuals claimed it is actually making its own way to lose national identity. It can be perceived that the advantage is cultural integration which may boost world peace while it can be disadvantageous as someone may not trace its ancestry. In this essay, I will be explaining both views.
With the increase in population and demand for generic roles, the competition is super high. Some people believe that choosing a path of study at an early age will mean that the chances of landing a relevant role are higher because of the rise in competition. In this essay, I will discuss why I disagree partially with this narrative for reasons like immaturity and the negative influence of parents when going through adolescence.
It is believed that at a given time tele-purchasing will compel the closure of all bazaars throughout big cities and villages. Personally, I agree with the view owing to the fact that, eBay is faster and more convenient than in-person buying. However, it has its pitfalls. This essay will shed light on both sides of the statement and provide evidence to prove the arguments.
Most nations globally are united together in the fight for humanity even if they are different culturally. Some people are of the opinion that enhancing trade and cultural relations is seen as a positive move whereas others believe that this move will annihilate the country's identity. In this essay, I will discuss both points and argue that bringing nations together should be seen as a win because of these reasons: world peace, financial help and military aid when needed.
Conventional job is no longer the new normal. Earlier, people used to do a single job for their whole life but now they are finding different ways to earn money and to educate themselves.I strongly agree and I think that, nowadays, there are certain circumstances in which you have to be more flexible to work in any industry and enhance your knowledge to succeed.
While some people believe labour-saving devices such as dishwashers and computers makes our lives easier through automation, other people believe these devices creates more problems than it solves. In this essay, I will discuss why I believe modern technology helps to reduce stress by automating menial yet time-consuming tasks.
Some individuals commented that outside playing is more relevant for youngsters' improvement than playing electronic games. Personally, I strongly agree with the view owing to the fact that outward activities socialize teenagers, on contrary, video games are sources of youngsters' health issues. This essay will shed light on both sides of the matter and provide evidence from the University Zambeze and Oxford University investigations to prove the arguments.
It is undeniable that technological and scientific developments have brought tremendous benefits to people's lives in various ways. However, arts still receive a great deal of attention. This essay will explore some insights and values of arts that a person cannot obtain from science and technology.
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