IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Some members of society strive to work for themselves instead of relying on employers. This essay will first suggest that the enhancement of the internet and opportunities for self-improvement are the foremost reasons, and then demonstrate that irregular income and job insecurity are the primary drawbacks of this trend.
Some children are advised to devote themselves as much as possible so that they can attain their goals. This essay will suggest that a growth mindset and increased motivation are the biggest advantages of this, but disillusionment with truth and disregard for external factors are the primary disadvantages.
In recent years, there has been a demographic trend that shows a larger proportion of young adults than that of older people. This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks. The essay will first demonstrate that this shift comes with a more competitive workforce and that it brings added benefits to social welfare, followed by an analysis of how the primary disadvantage, particularly the shortage of craftsmen, is not valid.
In this day and age, it is considered by a plethora of individuals that, a good deal of schools have made uniforms obligatory. However, there are plenty of schools where students are allowed to dress what they want. In this following essay, I shall express the merits and demerits of wearing a uniform.
In recent times, the number of people who tend to run their own businesses has increased significantly. This is owing to the fact that job independence brings great benefits to the owner in terms of economic aspects and having a flexible timetable. I would argue that this trend has its own disadvantages which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, the number of adults living with their parents is on the increase in some regions, even if they hold a degree or find a job. There are some upsides and downsides, but in my ,opinion the benefits of this type of living outweigh its drawbacks.
Nature is one of the places that attract many tourists around the world. Although they are often doing inappropriate things towards nature, I believe that they contribute a lot to the locals' economy.
Peer pressure refers to the influence young people experience within the same age group, affecting their behaviours. In my opinion, cohorts do have more positive impact than negative on adolescents and young adults.
Nowadays, the advantages of cheaper public transportation have sparked a heated debate and drawn widespread attention. Many argue that the advantage is mainly the reduction of toxins, but others argue that it also improves travel conditions. After thorough consideration of all relevant factors, I believe that cheaper public transit results in less contamination and fewer gridlocks.
In our daily life , we generally need to do various hard tasks. Most of these are risky and time-consuming. We know that without consistency with work, we can not achieve success i.e. actually no pain, no gain. Some people think that it is very crucial to take challenges, both in their working lives and their personal lives. As Individuals are unable to get facilities without accepting risks, they think it has significant roles. For this reason, I would say that the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages.
In the era of technology, institutes, universities, colleges and schools are offering online courses for many people. In this essay, I will give some advantages and disadvantages of this.
In the 20th century, the world witnessed a groundbreaking surge in global connectivity due to the rapid improvement of air travel and telecommunications. This transformative era has given rise to a crucial question about the benefits and drawbacks of this increased global connection. This article will explore both sides of the equation to provide a comprehensive understanding.
The vast majority of people allow technology companies to collect personal info to enhance their experience for using software which develops ability by customer data. While there are some advantages of sharing data, I personally feel that the drawbacks of technology groups collecting privacy data outweigh the benefits.
A much-debated issue these days is healthy eating habits. Even though people are coping with the fast-paced society and in order to save time to become more socialised or take rest, they are choosing convenience food available in their community/ neighbourhood. Although there are advantages of such meals, I still think the demerits will overshadow the pros of the consumption.
For decades, the popularity of downloadable applications has increased among folks. However, what are the benefits of this situation, and what are the drawbacks? In this essay, I will look at both sides and try to draw some conclusions.
These days, public transport is used by more and more people due to its convenience. The capacity of these means of transportation has risen owing to the development of advanced technology. However, there are some concerns about whether public vehicles provide positive input for society or if it is harmful in certain ways. In this essay, I will consider the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon and draw some conclusions.
Censorship is unquestionably one of the most controversial topics of debate these days. Of course, nowadays each state limits publications in some way. Nevertheless, there are some advantages and disadvantages of this statement.
In the era of modernization, individuals mostly rely on various appliances for their daily chores and needs. They are excessively utilizing modern machines, such as air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, microwaves, and many more, and they have become habituated to them. Although these gadgets provide a few benefits, in my opinion, there are a huge number of drawbacks associated with them. This essay will further elaborate on the same.
The issue of whether students who finish their high school do some work or go abroad for one year before their tertiary level has grown in importance over the past few decades. While there are some disadvantages associated with this idea, I believe the main advantages are more substantial.
Traveling overseas has provided a host country with tremendous benefits although it would induce some perennial problems regarding the society or the ecosystem. Personally, the disadvantages could outweigh the merits to some extent.
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