50 Latest Organizer IELTS Topics

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Your local college is organizing an event on International Student’s Day. Write a letter to the organizer and say: •What topics would you like them to cover? •Why would it be interesting for students? • Ask questions about the arrangement
The organizer of the annual festival is going to organize the festival in your place. Write a letter to the organizer giving feedback for last year and suggestions for this year. In your letter, you should: give your feedback for the last festival tell me what you can do for the new festival suggestions about the new festival.
You saw an advert in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help run a charity event. Write a letter of application to the organizers. In your letter: -explain why you are interested in helping -Give details suitable past experience -suggest ways you might help with the event.
You are going on a month training program to the UK and know that the head of the course would like one of the participants to be the social events’ organizer. Write a letter to the Training Organiser • Express your interest in the role • Request more information about it • Explain what experience you have
You participated in a public event organized at a local park. Write a letter to the event organizer. In your letter tell them some feedback about the event; explain what you particularly enjoyed; give some suggestions for improvement.
You have recently attended a two-day course, and now a course organizer is asking for your review and comments. Write a letter to the course organizer. In your letter, you should: • describe the course; • explain whether or not you linked the course, and why; • provide some suggestions for improvement.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You are going on a month training program to the UK and know that the head of the course would like one of the participants to be the social events' organizer. Write a letter to the Training Organizer. In your letter • expressing your interest in the role • requesting more information about it • explaining what experience you have Begin your letter as follows:
You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a meeting that was booked by the organizer of a company meeting. Write a letter to the organizer of the meeting and include: -Details about the meeting -The problem you face - What should be done
You attended a meeting last week but you are not happy with the hotel which you stayed in. Write a letter to the organizer who hotel for you. In your letter, you should tell: (a) what the problems were (b) what you didn't like about the hotel (c) what do you want organizer to do.
An annual event was recently held in your area. Now you want to write to the organizers of this event congratulating them on a successful production. Write a letter to the organizers. In your letter, give details of the event mention what you liked the most about the event make a polite criticism of something you thought could be improved
You saw an advert in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help run a charity event Write a letter of application to the organizers. In your letter: Explain why you are interested in helping Give details of suitable experience suggest ways you might help with the event.
You saw an advert in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help run a chartiy event Write a letter of application to the organizers. In your letter: Explain why you are interested in helpin Give details of suitable past experience suggest ways you might help with the event.
You are going on a month training programme to the UK and know that the head of the course would like one of the participants to be the social events' organiser. Write a letter to the Training Organizer. In your letter • expressing your interest in the role • requesting more information about it • explaining what experience you have
You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a meeting that was booked by the organizer of a company meeting. Write a letter to the organizer of the meeting and include Details about the meeting The problem you face What should be done
Write a letter to the organizer of an annual festival that you attended last year. Include - Feedback about last year - An offer to volunteer - Questions about the festival
You want to complain about the service that you received in the hotel you stayed in while attending a recent meeting. Write a letter to the person who organized the meeting. In the letter Describe the meeting Explain the problems with the service Suggest what the meeting organizer should do.
You are going on a month training programme to the UK and know that the head of the course would like one of the participants to be the social events’ organizer. Write a letter to the Training Organiser expressing your interest in the role requesting more information about it explaining what experience you have
Your local college is organizing an event on International Student’s Day. Write a letter to the organizer and say: •What topics would you like them to cover? •Why would it be interesting for students? •Ask questions about the arrangement
You want to complain about the service you received in the hotel you stayed in while attending a recent meeting Write a letter to the person who organised the meeting. In your letter, *Describe the meeting *Explain the problems the service *Suggest what the meeting organizer should do
You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a meeting that was booked by the organizer of a company meeting. Write a letter to the organizer of the meeting and include: -Details about the meeting - The problem you face - What should be done
You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a meeting that was booked by the organizer of a company meeting. Write a letter to the organizer of the meeting and include: -Details about the meeting -The problem you face -What should be done
You were sent by your company to attend a meeting in another country, but you are not happy with the hotel your organizer booked for you. Write a letter to an organizer about the meeting details What you did not like about the hotel what you want organizer to do about it?
Your local college is organizing an event on International Student’s Day. Write a letter to the organizer and say: • What topics would you like them to cover? • Why would it be interesting for students? • Ask questions about the arrangement
You have finished a course. Write a letter to the course organizer to give your feedback. In your letter include: - the details of the course, - what you enjoyed during the course, - any suggestions you would have.
You are going on a month training programme to the UK and know that the head of the course would like one of the participants to be the social events' organizer. Write a letter to the Training Organizer. In your letter • expressing your interest in the role • requesting more information about it • explaining what experience you have
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