50 Latest Sister IELTS Topics

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‘Children who have brothers and sisters often have better social development than an only child. The government should therefore give money to parents to have two or more children.’ What do you think about this proposal?
You are supposed to submit a history project by 11th November. However, your sister is getting married in Hawaii at the same time. You would like an extension on the due date for submitting the project. Write to your professor. In your letter: explain the situation, remind the professor of your excellent academic record to date, ask for an extension of the due date.
Although you are meant to present your thesis project in one month, your sister is getting married in Spain at the same time. You would like to change dates for your presentation. Write a letter to your professor. In your letter: · Explain the situation · Remind the professor of your academic achievements to date · Ask for a different date to present your thesis
Your sister has asked you to organize the music for her wedding at the end of next month. Write a letter to your friend who is an amateur musician. In your letter ● ask your friend to perform at the wedding ● describe why he/she would be suitable for this event ● explain how your friend will be compensated if they agree.
Although you are meant to present your thesis project in one month, your sister is getting married in Spain at the same time. You would like to change dates for your presentation. Write a letter to your professor. In your letter: · Explain the situation · Remind the professor of your academic achievements to date · Ask for a different date to present your thesis
Read the question below and write a letter.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Write at least 150 words. Although you are meant to present your thesis project in one month, your sister is getting married in Spain at the same time. You would like to change dates for your presentation. Write a letter to your professor. In your letter: * Explain the situation * Remind the professor of your academic achievements to date * Ask for a different date to present your thesis
Your sister has asked you to organize the music for her wedding at the end of next month. Write a letter to your friend who is an amateur musician. In your letter ● ask your friend to perform at the wedding ● describe why he/she would be suitable for this event ● explain how your friend will be compensated if they agree.
‘Children who have brothers and sisters often have better social development than an only child. The government should therefore give money to parents to have two or more children.’ What do you think about this proposal?
Your sister has asked you to organize the music for her wedding at the end of next month. Write a letter to your best friend who is a musician. In your letter ● ask your friend to perform at the wedding ● describe why he/she would be suitable for this event ● explain how your friend will be compensated if they agree.
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