50 Latest Teh IELTS Topics

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You recently bought a piece of sports equipment from an online store. When you first used the piece of sports equipment, you found a problem with it. Write a letter to teh manager of the online store. In your letter describe the problem with the piece of sports equipment say what happened because of the problem explain what you would like the company to do.
The diagrams below give information about the Azadi Tower in Tehran and an outline project to extend it underground. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown
Write a letter to a local council about the closure of playground and explain Why few children are using the playground How to increase teh number of children using the playground Why this is important.
The bar chart shows teh hoghest qualification attained by sex fro the working age population in wales in 2001/2002. summerize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant
You paid a refundable deposit when you rented an appartment.You left the appartment in good condition but the landlord won't return your deposits. Write a letter to landlord.In your letter Explain why you are writing Ask for teh return of your deposits Inform the landlord of possible legal action
In tehir advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphsise that their products are new in some way. Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Music is played in every society and culture in teh world. Some people think that music brings only benefits to individuals and societies. Others, however, think that music can have a negative influence on both. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Many people around the worlduse social media everyday to keep in touch wth otehr people and get new events. Do you think the advantages outhweigh the disadvantages?
Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal informatoin, such as their hobbies and interests, and wheteher they are married or single. some people say tha this information may be releveant and useful. other disagree. discuss both views amd give your own opinioon
You and your family are livign in rented accommodations in an English speaking country. You are note satisfied with teh condition of some of the furniture. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter - introduce yourself - explain what is wrong with the furniture - say what action you would like the landlord to take
At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with tehe number of older people. do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?
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