IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is contended that parents should face consequences when their children violate rules since parents bear accountability for the actions of their offspring. I tend to agree with this viewpoint to some extent, but it is
It is widely believed that society have to put blame on parents whose children commit delinquencies due to the fact that parents are responsible for their deeds. Personally, I Partially agree with this statement because
There are some arguments that the parents should take some responsibility for their children's actions and they should receive the punishment for the same. I disagree with the statement, as no parent would encourage thei
It is widely believed that people should put blame on the parents of those who break the rules. Nevertheless, from my perspective, exerting punishment on parents for their children's wrongdoing is not sensible for a vari
Some individuals frequently put the blame for juvenile delinquency on their parents. Nevertheless, from my perspective, exerting discipline on parents for their children’s wrongdoings is not sensible because every indivi
It is believed that parents should be disciplined owing to their wrongdoing as their children to be paradigms for their offspring. The following paragraphs will analyze different aspects of this matter before providing t
It is considered that the parents of disobedient children should be punished to some extent because they are responsible for their kids. I completely agree with this opinion and think that fathers and mothers should be
Children's behaviour is part of kids learning, and parents have a responsibility to pay attention to their kids, be cautious to observant and do the right things. From my point of view that I agree with punishing their
Nowadays, the crime rate among teenagers is increasing and people tend to blame this problem on parents. In my opinion, disciplining only parents for their child's misbehavior is not very right because everyone must be r
Globally, juvenile delinquency continues to be a pervasive issue. There is an argument, whether the parents should be responsible for their children’s actions or not. Although parents are majorly responsible for their of
There is some argument that whether parents should take responsibilities and receive punishments for their children’s offences or not. Although I believe that parents are majorly responsible for their offsprings’ actions
The bar chart compares the numbers of prisoners between 1930 and 1980 in five different countries, namely Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada.
It is debated by some people that parents of children who breach the law, should be penalized in the same ways. I disagree, as no parent would ever encourage his or her child to become a criminal, and punishing the paren
It is debated by some people that parents of children who breach the case, should be penalized in the same ways. I disagree, as no parent would ever encourage his or her infant to become a criminal, and punishing the par
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