IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I hope this letter finds you radiant in health and best of spirits. I am writing this letter to invite you to an event called The World Show which is organised by the government for the public on 19th June 2024, Sunday .
How are you? I hope you are well. I'm writing this letter to inform you that the singer you like will perform in my country. Let me explain the event details.
How are you? I hope you’re doing well. I’m so excited to tell you that there is a special event will be held in my hometown and I would like you to join this occasion.
I hope you are in prime health.I am writing this letter to tell you about the upcoming public event which really fascinates me.Therefore,I would like you to manage your schedule wisely,subsequently,you can join us and be
I am writing this letter to invite you to attend and see the 26th January parade in New Delhi. it is celebrated as republic day in India. the event is widely covered in international media too.
It has been quite a long time haven’t met you. Today I am writing you this letter to invite you to a special event named Noboborsho which will be held next Saturday. The event is basically held for the Bengali New Year.
It's been a long time since we met last time before you left Myanmar 3 years ago. I still remember those days of our university life when we spent the best days of our life. I am writing to invite you to the convocation
Hope this letter finds you in radiant health and the best of spirits. I'm writing this letter to invite you to the New Year festival celebrated next month.
I hope that you are doing fine and I pray that you have the best of health and happiness. I am writing this letter to invite you to come to a public event in my country on March 3rd of 2023.
Hope you are doing well. I am writing to inform you regarding new year event happening in South city mall on 7th Feb 2023. The grand celebration will take place with numerous lights in entire city.
I am glad to know that you will come to London in 5 days. It is my great pleasure to tell you that the Gaming Show is held within 10 kilometers of my home. During this event, the hosts showcase hundreds of games from dif
Hope you’re doing well. It’s been a long time since we saw each other. I’m writing this letter to invite you to the Global Trade exhibition in Hyderabad which will be conducted for a month.
I hope this letter finds you at the peak of your good health. I received your letter a week back. I am glad to know that you are doing efficiently. We are carrying out fine as well.
How are you? We haven't met in ages. I recently chanced upon an advertisement for a live music concert in Singapore by your favourite musician Yiruma. You should consider visiting Singapore to attend the concert.
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