IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the modern world, everyone can acquire information from their devices such as iPhones through the internet. The majority of individuals of all ages utilize the online platform for seeking knowledge rather than books o
In the modern world, everyone can acquire information from their devices such as iPhone through out the internet. The majority of individuals of all ages utilize the online platform for seeking knowledge rather than book
Nowadays, information is very well-known to be mostly kept online. This has led to an argument by many people regarding the relevancy of printed books and zines. Although with the advance of technology paperbacks have no
In this technological epoch, everyone can acquire information from their phone through the internet. The majority of individuals irrespective of age utilise the online platforms for seeking knowledge rather than books o
Unquestionably, the majority of information today is kept online, rather than in actual books as it was once. As a result, the validity of physical books has been called into question.In contrast, I believe printed book
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