IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, many experts such as doctors lecturers, and teachers have been going abroad to pursue their careers in developed nations. This phenomenon might be caused by the under-average wages and low benefits offer
The number of doctors, teachers and other professionals who immigrate is increasing. This leads to massive problems in education and health condition of people due to the lakc of professionals in these fields. Providing
The number of migrants moving from their home countries that are underdeveloped is snowballed by the allure of rich countries. There are a multitude of problems that arise due to such trend and need to be reduced. This h
Presently, the number of graduating people such as doctors or teachers is unfortunately migrated to other countries or other developed cities for an occupation. Therefore, in this case, someone likes and someone dislikes
In recent years mora and more people especially those who have a regulatory profession leave their countries after their qualification searching for better income and realisation. Itself this contributes to a huge range
Profesional worker such as doctor and teacher from poorer countries choose to move to developed countries has increasing there day. This essay will examine the cause of a movement profesional worker and possible soluti
Huge number of specialists, like doctors and professors are abandoning their own poor nation to work in developed countries. As a result, long term goals of the nation could be compromised. And so, government should faci
Nowadays many professionals are leaving their poorer home countries in search of better job prospects. This change in such countries is breeding many problems in various occupations and aspects of life. In this essay, I
Nowadays,  many professionals such as doctors or teachers prefer to live in developing countries so they leave their own home and country . In my ,opinion this is largely because of  inexpensive payment  and  lack of mod
Nowadays, the number of highly demanded professionals leaving their home countries for industrialized ones has grown. The main reason for changing their locations is that most specialists find more opportunities to pursu
It has proven that many employees in developing states are migrating to greener postures to have a better life. This tendency is more evident in the health and educational sectors, which cause potential threats on these
There has been a continuous rise in the number of well-educated specialists in different careers who are migrating from low economic countries to higher economic countries. There are several factors that have contributed
The primary goal of many people is to provide for their families. However, for poorer nations, what that often means is that many experienced professionals end up seeking a better life in the more developed nations. Thou
Presently, the pursuit of vocations in affluent countries by skilful workers from underdeveloped nations has become pervasive. While some laud this, others argue otherwise. However, I am of the stance that such a brain d
Nowadays more and more professionals that play a key role in social stability and development, including in the spheres of education and medicine prefer to find a job in more developed countries that provide more opportu
Many occupations like doctors and teachers are moving to more developed countries. This essay will examine the problem that decreasing occupation in poor countries causes and possible solutions to this problem.
Nowadays, growing number of salaried professionals are moving from developing countries to developed nations. This essay will discuss what problems it cause including loss of expertise and loss of revenue to the source c
Nowadays more and more professionals that play a key role in the social stability and development, including in the spheres of education and medicine prefer to find a job in more developed countries that provide more opp
More and more professionals choose to work in developed countries instead of staying in their countries which suffer from poorer resources and worse working environments. I think there are many reasons caused this kind o
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