IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Honestly, I haven't heard about this topic before. However, if I have to guess, I would say that it is due to the over-focus on the STEM education, which means the educational institution mostly concentrate on Science, T
In every tradition throughout the globe, art paintings, masterpieces and sculptures have a profound importance. Even though, it is not appreciated by the majority of the populace as their major attention is towards scien
To begin, nowadays, most people move to their attention in science, technology and business instead, art is very less appreciated by the public all over the world art is a crucial part of culture. It has many causes rela
It is widely acknowledged in the whole universe among traditions of all communities that art is an inseparable entity. Besides, the number of people who respect this matter is declining these days and they focus more on
It has been observed that, in modern era very less people cherish art and give more importance to other things like science and technology as well as business despite, art being an important portion of all cultures all
In this contemporary era, there is an ongoing contention that society will switch to online reading from printed media in the coming time. I am totally satisfied with the above notion and in the coming paragraphs would l
Creativity has been a prominent part of human life for the past decades in the world.But at present times art disappear folks prefer to adopt technology and science.There are many reasons which will be discussed in upco
It is commonly believed that art plays a fundamental role in cultures throughout the world. Nevertheless, people nowadays are thinking that art is not worth considering more than science, technology and business industry
In the past craft is considered one of the most important segments of human civilization whether the majority of the population who live in today's world take art into account as a time-wasting thing.Thus, via this ,ess
Cultures have always been bound with art throughout history while nowadays, individuals would rather continue their careers in science, technology and business. I believe with the advances in technology and objectivism t
It is indeed true that arts play a vital role for cultures whereas a lot of people turn out from arts and they focus on academic subjects such as science, technology and business. They think that it would help their fut
Competition and cooperation are both ways that people interact with each other. I believe children should learn how to cooperate to become skilled citizens. However, the sense of race is also helpful to children to impr
Arts are classical and consistent tools that human beings use to express an identification of beauty and play an important role in society. However, the attention of society gradually shifted to science, technology and b
Nowadays, in spite of the fact that art is a great deal for all the cultures on the planet, people are more interested in science, technology and business, and the numbers are increasing day by day and fewer people appre
Art is contributed to a great proportion of human cultures around the globe. However, the reduction of interest in regard to this subject among the people is widely seen. The shift towards science hi-tech and businesses
Arts is considered an substantial part of all cultures via the worldwide. However, in recent time fewer and fewer individuals appreciate art and turn their concentrate to science, technology, and business. In my opinion,
There is no doubt that art has played a very crucial role in the civilization of every ethnicity around the world.but,in the era of technological progress and globalisation,the craft is pushed to the background.Such a tr
Art is a beautiful representation of a variety of cultures from across the world. However, it is losing its significance because of other fields like science, technology and business. I assume, there are numerous reasons
It is a fact that art plays significant value in every society and culture worldwide. In the contemporary era, the focus is redirected to technological factors such as technology, entrepreneurship, science, innovations.
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