IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the need of sharing the private lives of famous people. I regard myself as an advocate of this idea.
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate over the fact that it is vital to keep famous people’s lives privately from the social media. to some extent, I would contend that I comparatively have a consensus
According to a few people, the lives of well-known people who share their lives should be limited by social media. Although society can get new information and set new goals by following celebrities, ordinary people may
According to few people, the lives of well-known people who share their lives should be limited by the social media. Although society can get the new information and set new aims through following celebrities', ordinary
Nowadays, many people strongly believe that famous people's private lives should not be publicized in the media. In my opinion, there are some benefits of exposing their information; however, the disadvantages outweigh.
It is sometimes argued that private life of celebrities should not be openly shown in social media. I do believe that the media should refrain from openly reporting on private lives of celebrities.
The privacy of the influencer or famous people is not a public consumption for some people. However, it has been debated whether the media think that the private life of celebrities are interesting. In my opinion, I agre
Nowadays, media publicize has significant role in the celebrities' career. If celebrities want to be famous, they would create something interesting; therefore media will interest and use it on their works. Celebrities l
In recent years, there have been celebrities complained about their life privacy became publicized by media publicize. As such there are agreement and disagreement to this situation, although I opine that its disagreemen
Some individuals believe that Celebrities personal lives should not be recorded for the media. In my opinion, the public has no right to know about the various lives of famous individuals.
With the dawn of technology, the frontiers of broadcasting information have been pushed back and in turn violation of privacy is occurring. Some believe that famous people should admit their private lives becoming public
The debate surrounding the intrusion of celebrities' private lives by the media remains a contentious issue. While some argue for transparency and the public's right to know, I firmly believe that the media should exerci
Some folks believe that the personal activities of celebs must not be exposed to social news. In my opinion, I strongly agree with the statement as superstars in particular are affected negatively due to the unrevealing
Many people argue that the media often expose public figures' personal lives to the world. Being a well-known person sometimes can be uncomfortable, especially having the paparazzi or the media following to dig up some i
The public believes that we should block celebrities' social media use, which is to show their private life because they will negatively affect the public. However, I think that they have to utilize social media since it
It is inevitable for prominent people to have a lot of attention from the public. Therefore, some famous individuals make a complaint to the media in order to have their boundaries. Some people insist that they have to a
It is inevitable for prominent people to have a lot of attention from the public. Therefore, some famous individuals make a complaint to the media in order to have their boundary. Some people insist that they have to adm
Nowadays, daily routine of many celebrities is being widely shared on different media. I agree with those who think that the personal life of these names should not be revealed.
It is thought that the privacy of celebrities should not be exposed to the public. I strongly agree with this statement because such material can be harmful to the figure and also private lives are one of the human right
some humans believe that the private lives of famous people should not be openly shared by the media. I totally agree with this.
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