IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Most people are of the opinion that when the young commit a grave crime, they should not be jailed with adults. I completely agree with this statement. The following essay will outline the reasons why I feel that childre
The question of whether children should ever be put in prison with adults, regardless of the seriousness of their crime, is a complex and contentious issue. While some argue that it is necessary to treat juvenile offende
The Grange park was opened in 1920, a rectangular area with access from northside Arnold avenue and the Southside through Eldon street. There was a fountain stood at the middle and a stage for musicians situated left t
It is believed that, adolescents must not be kept in jail with grownups, even if they have committed a very dangerous crime. I plainly agree with the given notion because children lack maturity ,therefore, they can hav
There is ongoing debate on whether children should be put with adults in prison. The majority of the public, like me, strongly agree that kids should be treated differently as adults. This essay will highlight the ideas
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