IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is often stated that truth-speaking is the highest value in any kind of relationship. I agree with this view because being honest is the first positive energy that we need and when we get it from our relations, We can
Most people in the world think that always telling the truth is the single most desirable character trait. I personally think that there are several situations, in which lying is not only morally acceptable, but necessar
There are certain considerations or factors that everyone takes into account in a relationship. People may look for honesty, altruism, understanding, loyalty, being thoughtful etc! Everyone would more or less wish that t
Always telling the truth in any relationship is really the most important consideration for many reasons. I could say that when you lie to someone, this person will not trust you anymore and what is a relationship based
Recently, there is a big debate on the issue that telling the truth or not is the most important consideration in the relationship between people. For my experience, I think telling a truth is the most important consider
Some people believe that it is one of the most important value in many relationships to tell the truth all the time. However, it cannot be always the best choice to tell the truth in many situatioins. Sometimes white lie
Some people believe that it is one of the most important value in many relationships to tell the truth all the time. However, it cannot be always the best choice to tell the truth in many situatioins. Sometimes white l
Stating any issue exactly is a significant factor to reflect any mental connection with each other. From my perspective, this proposition is completely true.
Nowadays people consider lying just to avoid the situation doesn’t matter a lot. Moreover, because punishment for lying doesn’t exist, people easily think that there is no problem regarding not telling the truth. Howeve
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