IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is argued that in this era of technology, television has perished communication among family members and friends. This essay completely agrees with the statement, because people are spending more time with their TV
In globle world telivition has mainly defolted as main comminucation way for famlies and in between loved onece.In this essay I will be discuss about benficts and disasdvantages.
i don't really agree with the statemanet in which say television has destroyed communication among friends and relatives. first reason is that television nowadays not really a big concideration for people to make their c
It is often argued that TV has riuned relationship and communication among family and friends. As much as I agree that Television has a negative effect in communication among people, I believe it can be useful in some wa
Nowadays, most families have one or more television in their house. People watch television to get new information. However, there are some opinions that television is the main reason for decreasing communication with fr
The advent of technology led to facing a lot of problems that before we didn’t have and it consequelly changes the way in which we communicate with others.
Now, In this global era, It seems to be really true that the conversation of neighbours could be diminished because of television. The reason is that Tv would provide more exhilaration for people. In this manuscript, I w
Television is flourishing by leaps and bounds and providing us with 24/7 entertainment services, which undoubtedly keep the majority of the people engaged in their spare time. Therefore, resulting in fewer time spent wit
I disagree that television has destroyed communication among friends and family mainly from three viewpoints which are actions, contents of communications and the way to communicate. I will explain them in detail.
I disagree that television has destroyed communication among friends and family mainly from three viewpoints, actions, contents of communications and the way to communicate. I will explain them in detail.
In the status quo, it is undoubtedly undeniable that technology had destroyed many lives, although it plays a major role in our society in many terms, I strongly believe that, in the status quo, the drawbacks outweigh it
Certain people state that television has made it difficult for families to communicate with each other. In this time of ,globalization the TV set connects, update, and entertains individuals. I disagree with the opinion
In this modern world, the technology serves us a lot of benefits and easiness to gain information and for entertainment as well, for example television. However, many argue that television can ruin the communication amon
Nowadays, watching television is a common activitiy at home. Some people think that it has an impact on our communication with friends and family. I disgree with this notion. In this essay, I will discuss both sides o
The issue of communication had in existence for many a couple of decades around the world. Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing TV set. Some people claim that box has destroy
In today's world, watching television has an increasing trend. It is one of the most important things in human life. It is reported that television is one of the main causes of the communication problem among families, a
Some people believe that today's communication between friends and relatives has been made worse by television. In this essay, I will discuss this topic taking into account reasons in support and against this belief.
These days television is one of the major sources of entertainment. Majority of people believe that today invention of TV is the reason for communication gap between friends and family. This essay will discuss why and ho
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