IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Lately, a plethora of topics are being seriously talked about among various individuals and groups, and one prominent topic is holidays. There are even people who prefer to have an unusual holiday by going to rural areas
The benefits of travelling and getting away from daily routine outweigh the pluses of staying at home and doing household things. I have a lot of compelling reasons why I do think so.
People have different ideas about subjects which are being chosen in universities nowadays, some assume that pupils should only be targeted to those of courses which produce science and aid technology, while others disag
There are two common views about the higher education students should study. One of these is everyone need to study a departmen according to their interests, the other is teenagers need to study a department that will g
An efficient way, thought by some individuals to reduce the time of travelling to the workplace is extending the roads of city. Whereas according to other masses, there are some other steps which might be more beneficial
Nowadays, the motivation of people to be a tutor in numerous countries is diminishing, especially in junior high schools. This essay will discuss about the underlying source of this problem, and the most feasible way to
Many news publishers and media channels are using the photographs as evidence to support news articles and stories. Many people think that pictures are not a reliable source of news, while others argue that photographs a
In today’s modern world, how to properly facilitate the well-rounded development of youngsters has always been raising lots of controversies. Many individuals believe that the greatest way to cope with this issue is to h
Since a couple of years ago, many cosmetic industries and medical institutes started to use animals with the aim of testing the quality and side effects of their products, sparking many debates. While some believe it is
There is a widespread global perception that household waste is insufficient for recycling efforts. Consequently, an initiative to impel governmental involvement through the establishment of legal policies governing recy
It is inevitable that households will produce some waste, but the increasing amount of refuse presents a challenge for governments as historical disposing methods are not practical anymore Some argue a huge proportion of
It is true that the amount of waste production is increasing day-to-day, due to overpopulation and overconsumption. However, some argue a huge proportion of domestic waste can be recyled and reused through setting regula
There are controversies where it is beneficial to provide a alot of data so that potencial in scientific research, assigment and education worlwide. While others thinks there are limitted in share data depent on value o
Education is a top national policy. Therefore, education plays role great important day by day. Develop educational quality that more attention than in previous days. There are many methods to enhance educational quality
Recycling is a controversial topic for debate, and in this modern era, there are a lot of waste products, which need to be recycled. There are some individuals who believe that not sufficient garbage and rubbish is recyc
Nowadays, it is claimed that not enough people recycle at home. Hence, some argue that this could be fixed provided that authorities launch laws which make recycling mandatory. However, I believe that in some countries t
Some people argue that spend a mountain of money for a country to organize a global sports event, such as the Olympic Games or football World Cup is wasted money. While others believe that this will bring numerous benefi
Millions of individuals around the globe are facing health problems due to rise in their body weight. Physical classes can educate people on how to make their body fit and slim. This leads to reduce most of the illnesses
Nowadays, children are more interested in various types of fields, so numerous people think that subjects like arts, music, drama and creativity contribute more towards a child’s overall development. They believe school
Telephone or letter was the only way to communicate with people back at home in the past. However, these days people are using mobil devices to connect with other people anywhere and anytime. This of course have more adv
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