IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's world, crime is on the rise every day. Multiple measures are being taken to reduce it. Due to the rise in crime, the use of CCTV cameras in public places has increased significantly. We shall discuss the advan
Crimes are increasing at an alarming rate which is concerning for everyone. The use of CCTV cameras in neighbourhoods is increasing every day because of the rise in crime. We will discuss the pros and cons of using camer
Nowadays, an increasing number of atrocities lead to the forceful installation of security cameras in public areas.Even though this trend brings a lot of merits as a safety measurement ,this also causes some demerits as
nowadays,crime is frequently increase also the usage of kf ccttv camera are getting popular in the public place constant increase day by day.the trend about is pro and corn but in my opinion advantage outweigh disadvan
It is ubiquitous fact that owing to increase in crime rates, the tendency to use observance cameras in public places is also increasing with each passing day. This phenomenon has both pros abd cons. Firstly,this essay
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