IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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To improve employee performance, employers should provide at least four weeks of vacation time to their workforce each year. I strongly agree with this statement since it not only allows employees to work more efficientl
The idea that providing employees with at least four weeks of holiday annually can enhance their performance at work is a contentious topic. While there are merits to this argument, the extent to which it holds true depe
Nowadays people are looking over the perks of a particular job before joining. A four weeks holiday annually would be consider as a plus point and would make better in the employees as it may help to manage between famil
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A long holiday for employees at least once a year is gaining credence these days. I strongly support this view since it not only allows employees to work more efficiently and makes family ties stronger
It is thought that in order to perform well in work, at least one month break off ought to be given for employees by business owners. I mostly agree with this suggestion because more holidays give positive impact on empl
Some people believe that giving at least four weeks of vacation a year to employees will bring a positive impact on their work. On my side, this point seems acceptable, because a holiday usually improves effectiveness an
Nowadays, people care more and more about their perks in their employment. The issue of whether staff should be entitled to at least 4 weeks of holiday annually in order to perform better is widely discussed. From my per
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