IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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films and video games are our ways of entertainment nowadays thus,Experts think that violent games and terror cinema have a bad impact on the public especially young men as they evoke their inside tendency towards cruelt
At this current time, while some people believe that violent content in films and computer games has a negative effect on society, others say that they are harmless and help people to relax. In my opionin, these violent
Despite the improvement of modern awareness, the violent action contained in the relaxed things becoming more and more universal bears some consideration. This circumstance should be prohibited by the authorities due to
In this century many teenagers like playing video or online games that contain violence, parents and people believe that it can have a bad effect and make them angry, and some say that films also make them less patient
Visual game plays and movies which have violence content is widely spread among people. Some people argued that it does have damaging effects for world and it should be banned from public, while others believe that they
Nowadays, violent behaviours are prevalent in video games and movies. While a group of individuals presents the view that engaging in such entertainment is a great form of leisure, I strongly agree with those who believe
In this modern era, with the advancement of technology people have abilities to make various kinds of movies and video games. The subject of a lot of these films are contained violence, which have many fans between human
Thriller genre movies and online games that encompass aggression and graphic content have always been at the centre of popularity for many people. Whilst certain individuals claim that this content will produce negative
Thriller genre movies and online games that encompass aggression and graphic content have always been in the centre of popularity for many people. Whilst certain individuals claim that this content will produce negative
It is true that some of the digital leisures like games have been rising nowadays. While some people believe that these are not hazardous I assume that movies and playings which include violence may bring more harm than
It is true that some of the digital leisures like games have been raising nowadays. While some people believe that these are not hazardous I assume that movies and playings which include violence may bring harms than goo
Despite the belief held by some that movies,as well as computer games that contain violence, are widely witnessed ,and as a result, they have to be forbidden because of their negative impacts, others claim it is some sor
In the modern era, action movies as well as games are extremely popular among the youngsters. A part of society opines that such films and computer games should not be allowed as they have adverse effects while others re
In the present age, Some people assert that violent channels such as movies and video games have negative effect and must be blocked. While others more argue that It is just a harmless relaxation. Personally, I am in fav
In the present age, Some people assert that violent channels such as movies and video games have negative effects and must be blocked. While others argue that It is just a harmless relaxation. Personally, I am in favour
violence is believed by many people that it has a negative effect on the community and shouldn't be allowed. In fact, they think it encourage people about getting more harsh and destroyed their moral. In contrast, some p
It is a reality that violent movies and video games are becoming prevalent in modern society. While some contend that it has detrimental effects on people and society and ought to be outlawed, others think that these act
Movies and computer games based on fighting and killing are most liked. Some say that they should not be allowed by the government since they have an adverse impact on society, while others believe that they are used for
The growth of smart devices helps people ease access at the touch of a button; According to society movies and video games that contain harmful content have a detrimental effect on the public and should be restricted, Wh
In this modern era, humans have got alot of ways to entertain themselves and technology is one of them. According to some people, computer games and films that includes violence should be baned by the government as they
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