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Handful of people opine that food products should be bought from local farmers rather than buying it from big corporates which made food travel thousands of miles before getting into hands of their cosumers. Buying food
In recent years, progresses in transportation have diminished the impacts of physical barriers, which opens the accessibility to broader resources. This change also impacted on food travels. While foods are being transpo
Nowadays, the most people should to consume a import food from overseas instead of a local food while other people think that people should to select a food which produced by farmers in the country to protect environment
There is a common argument that, as advocated, each person needs to consume their local products in order to save money and protect the environment. I strongly agree, and I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
There is a common argument that advocating for the consumption of purely locally sourced food would have positive effects on both the environment and the economy. I strongly disagree, since the absence of a diverse range
There is a common argument that advocating for the consumption of purely locally sourced food would have positive effects on both the environment and the economy. I strongly disagree, since the absence of a diverse range
I do not agree or disagree with this subject as there can be advantages and disadvantages to the local and foreign farmers. As there is a big topic of how the food is been transported from other countries as this has mul
Food delivery is a hotly debated topic that divides opinion. Some people think it is better for people to eat only regional manufactured food. In my opinion, despite the convenience it brings, people should not only eat
Food is the most vital entity in every human being's life. Farmers' products reach to to final customers to be consumed after a very long journey. There are some groups who think that whoever consumes food should directl
In recent times, some argue that because of the environment and local businesses we should try to buy food from farmers. The in-depth analysis in the following paragraphs intends to discuss why this essay explores the po
It actually happen that fruit and milk need times for delivery from farm into reaches consumers in the central city nowadays. I believe it is have positive impact for society and explain why it could happen.
Nowadays the phenomenon of the food trade is becoming a heated debate in which people can try food from other places of the world which in my view can be a plus which I want to explain throughout this essay.
Thanks to modern technology and development in transportation facilities, shipment of food ingredients has become much easier. As some opine consuming domestic foods is more environment friendly in addition to being econ
The fact that food is an inseparable part of our life is obvious to all. In the contemporary era, large amount of time and energy must be considered to transport foods from farmland to customers. It is thought that one o
Nowadays people are living in a rapid and modern world. As the distance, bureaucracy, and other circumstances often make the road more difficult for farmers to directly distribute their goods to society, distributors alw
In today's world, one of the issues of the food industry is transportation. Some of the initial ingredients should take a long way to be recieved by consumers and factories. I totally believe that the advantages of peopl
Globalization has made it possible for the agricultural sector to expand beyond the boundaries and trade through many countries. A group of people believe that consuming locally grown foods is much more beneficial both
Food transportation over long distances, from farms to consumers, has become a common practice in today's globalized world. However, there is an ongoing debate about whether we should prioritize buying food from local fa
It is a hot topic for debate, the majority of people belive that eat local food would be better for our environment and economy. To begin with, I totally agree with this statement. Fist of all, it is easily available and
These days food items are exported from various countries to customers throughout the world. While some people argue that we should promote local businesses by purchasing food items from local farmers, which also protect
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