IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The impact of human activities on nature has led to the extinction of numerous plant and animal species annually. While some argue that it is too late to address this issue, others believe that effective measures can sti
Nowadays, too many nations have discussed the harmful actions that have an effect on the environment and the creatures. Some of them assert that it is too far to deal with this situation. Others believe that there are se
Nowadays, too many people have discused the harmful actions that have effect the enviroment and the creatures. Some of them assert that it is so far to deal with this situation. While others believe that there are severa
Undeniably, Our planet faces many challenges and environmental issues become critical in today's world. In others word, impact of human activities on the green areas and animal extincs is more than humans imaginary. In a
Many believe people have created bad impact to many species in plant and animal and it is too late to tackle this problem. On the other hand, others think there are solutions to solve this. This essay will discuss furthe
Human activities undoubtedly exert detrimental effects on plants and animal species. While some argue that addressing this issue is futile at this stage, others believe that practical measures can still be implemented to
The proliferation of human activities has led to a negative impact on many species. While some people believe that it is too late to reverse the damage, others believe that some positive actions are still possible to be
In light of the various activities undertaken by humans, they can adversely impact on flora and fauna, many individuals argue that it is too late to take any steps to improve this matter. But others doubt this negative o
It is true that a great number of wildlife species are adversely affected by human activities. Some contend that it is pointless to address this problem as no solution will be effective, whereas others believe that peopl
It is true that human activities have led to damage to some animal species. Some people harbour a belief that there is nothing people can do to alleviate the situation whilst others hold the reverse viewpoint that effect
This has been a perpetual debate that human activities like construction have caused a threat to the vegetation as well as animals. There is a group of individuals who believe that the damage done by mankind to these sp
Some people thinks the ecosystem may be adverse than before due to industrial development. The others think opposite and hope to restore the enviromential. Both sides of points of view is discussed in the following pass
Plants and species are affected by human activities. A large number of people think that we do not have much time to protect plants and species, whereas others say that effective actions would improve this worst conditio
It is often argued that plant and animal species already have huge bad impacts which are not recoverable, while others think some steps can be taken to improve the situation. This essay will discuss both views and end wi
Human activity in every manifestation has a harmful effect on our planet and environment. And the very important and an integral part of our climate system are plants and animals. Everything in our ecosystem has to exis
It is true that several wild species are adversely influenced by human activities. Under such circumstances, some contend that it is pointless to address this issue because no solution will be effective, whereas others b
It is often assumed by many individuals that humans have already destroyed the earth to a greater extent and it is impossible to bring it back to its old form, because of paramount pollution. However, there are still f
The impact of human activities on plant and animal breeds has raised concerns. While some argue that the situation is beyond remedy, believing it's too late to intervene, others hold the view that meaningful steps can st
In recent times, the impact of human activities on insect and animal species has become a subject of concern. While some argue that the damage is irreversible and nothing can be done to rectify the situation, others hold
Human activities lead to drawbacks for plants and animal species. Some people argue that doing something about this issue seems too late, other people argue that if we can find some effective ways, it would more likely
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