IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Most children in developed countries have high weight problems. Some people think that, fast-food is the cause of this. Others of them say that parents do not control children until they have enough.
In my point of view, every day is growing number of fat children’s in the develop world.Some of specialists see the most reason in the café’s outlets other science people blame their parents.
The concern about the rising proportion of overweight young kids’ population has never been more imminent in many rich nations. While it is plausible to blame processed foods and their sellers, parents’ negligence should
It is debatable topic amoung different parts of the globe that cultural meals are preferably more good to compared with junk diet.However,others who support says that fast-food is equally good choice.I opine, traditional
There has been a discussion revolving around the issue of whether choosing food from a wider variety than the local area can provide has more positive than negative effects. Some people say that there are more advantages
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Nowadays, people prefer food from other regions, even though these products can be found in local place, thus, majority of these products are tranportated from other cities which takes time and money.I think, the advanta
In developed country, its being seen the number of overweight kids is raising day by day. in that case, some communities say that is because of fast food habit and, other saying that is because of parents are not well co
The rapid increase in overweight children in a country like Sri Lanka can be seen in many arguments. As mentioned in the question it can be caused by fast-moving food outlets and careless parents who do not pay attention
The rapid increase in overweight children in a country like Sri Lanka can be seen due to many reasons. As mentioned in the question it can be caused by fast moving food outlets and careless parents who do not give attent
The increase in the number of overweight children in developed countries brings people to questioning the reason for this phenomenon. Some may argue that the rising number of fast food restaurants could be a cause, other
People in many countries have a tendency to sample food from other nations, and typically, they develop a fondness for foreign cuisines rather than their native cuisine. From my perspective, the benefits outweigh the dis
People in many countries have a tendency to sample food from other nations, and typically, they develop a fondness for foreign cuisines rather than their native cuisine. In my opinion, the benefits outweigh the disadvant
People in many countries have a tendency to sample food from other nations, and typically, they develop a fondness for foreign cuisines rather than their native cuisine. In my opinion, the benefits outweigh the disadvant
In many nations, people tend to try different foods from other countries, and usually, they become a fan of those foods instead of their local food. In this essay, I will consider both benefits and drawbacks and give my
In many nations, people tend to try different foods from other countries, and usually, they become a fan of those foods instead of their local food. In this essay, I will consider both benefits and drawbacks and give my
he trend of people preferring a wider variety of food from other regions over local cuisine has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: Culinary diversity: Embracing a variety of international cuisines enriches th
Some people believe the food production that takes place in foreign countries can benefit the spread of the national culture, such as omakase in Japan; however, the main reason why many people do not agree with this is i
Nowadays, some countries report that many people consume international fast food instead of traditional foods. One of the reasons is cooking fast food is faster than traditional meats, and other reasons can be about pric
Urbanisation has exposed people to many unexplored resources with different cuisines from around the world being one of them. With the curiosity to try new recipes, people are forgetting about their local vegetation and
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