IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I strongly agree that the replacement of traditional foods by international fast food in many countries has a negative effect on both families and societies. This shift has multifaceted implications that span health, cul
In recent times, there is a replacement of international fast foods with traditional foods. This trend has directly impacted society and families.
Nowadays, the increased popularity of international fast foods has shifted authentic foods in some countries. Hence, either households or societies are being impacted by adverse effects. I absolutely agree with this give
The consumption of fast foods currently outpaces the consumption of homemade bread. It is considered that eating such foods has a devastating impact on everyone involved, from the individual to the entire society. I full
In a large number of people have been demanding the processed foods. The junk foods are being replaced by culture dishes. However, the problem is being created by the convenience food and effected the human health. The c
ot of nations, domestic cuisines are not widely used,while international junk foods have been broadly used.Although some people believe that this proliferation brought about some drawbacks, I am inclined to think neither
Globalisation has changed the diets of a lot of individuals. It is concurred by many nations that fast food is given more preference than traditional meals which is impacting their families and societies.I certainly beli
In a lot of nations, domestic cuisines are not widely used,while international junk foods have been broadly used.Although some people believe that this proliferation brought about some drawbacks, I am inclined to think n
No one can deny that international fast foods are constantly on the rise by many countries. Even local population are enjoying international foods more than traditional foods. In this paragrph , i totally agree that this
It is assumed by a growing number of people that conventional food is surrogated by fast food which is affecting families as well as society. I completely opine this view as this situation is detrimental to both family b
There is no room for doubt that in this contemporary society, eating plays an important role in shaping most of our aspects of life. Indeed, one topic that, to an extent, has raised worldwide controversy is some people t
In the contemporary world, due to the modern hectic life, the consumption of fast food is growing immensely. Hence, traditional foods have been replaced by junk foods. However, there are two opposite camps regarding this
In most countries all over the world, little by little people are replacing international fast foods with traditional foods that maybe have a negative impact on both families and society. I will discuss this statement, a
In most parts of the world, fast food is trending and it is replacing authentic food. Consumption of fast food is affecting the well-being of societies and close ones. In my opinion, I strongly believe that this trend ba
The advent of fast foods are creating so many problems in societies as well as in families. Some nations are even replacing their cultural food products by foreign food items. I completely disagree with this transformati
In some parts of the world, fast food has become so ubiquitous that many people are no longer fond of conventional dishes, which causes adverse influences at family and societal levels. In my opinion, I strongly believe
In the society of globalisation, international junk food has integrated into many countries. Some people believe that it will be a positive trend for the food industry, while others claim that it is detrimental to both i
lately i have been thinking a lot about what the people expect of me. I never had thought about that but, since the start of the school holidays, this theme keep coming back to my mind. Last month my family sing me up in
In recent times, international fast food is gaining more popularity and gradually developing into a staple diet in many countries. In my opinion, this trend has injurious impacts both on our family and society.
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