IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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All the major cities around the world are overcrowded, many people believe that they should build new homes in the countryside however some are against it to protect the rural area. In this essay, I will provide my opini
In today's world human population has benn increased rapidly because of that, there is a problem with the lands and houses not enogh to live for people. In recent times, house builders companies are moving to start up th
Nowadays, most nations have problems with land around the city because they are looking for a place to build apartments. Some say that we do not need to build apartments in the countryside to protect nature. Personally,
In many places, people are in dire need of new homes, however, the only place to build them is available in the countryside. While few persons think it is not a great idea to construct new houses in the countryside. I th
In many places, people are in dire need of new homes, however the only place to built them is available in countryside. While few persons think it is not a great idea to construct new houses in the countryside. I think t
In the contemporary epoch, the rate of population is increasing incredibly. Part of society believes that village areas can be utilized to build new homes while critics says that protection off these areas is more neces
The question of whether it is more important to protect the countryside or to build new homes there is a topic of debate, with some people arguing that the need for new housing should take precedence over the need to pro
Countries around the world increasingly facing housing crises ever than before. As the urban areas are already overpopulated, the development in the rural areas is the only option. In my opinion, the wise planning of a f
In many locations, there is a growing lack of accommodation day by day. Some folks believe that the solution is to build new houses in the suburban areas, while others argue we should be conservative about the countrysid
Some humans opine that constructing homes in the countryside is not suitable, as it may distort the natural environment. Whilst others think that due to the necessity for new houses, they want to build them in available
New houses are essential because of increased population, however only villages are the left out places to construct them. It is believed that the natural environtment in rural area to be reserved and should not have any
In urban expansion, there has been a notable increase in new houses built in the countryside, allowing them converted into residential areas. This phenomenon has elicited diverse opinions regarding its overall impact. Wh
Over the years, the population of humans is increasing so people require more homes to live. Some individuals believe that the government should use the countryside to build new houses while others are against this view
The lack of sufficient places for building new homes in cities is a factor to tendance move to suburbs town to do it , that some people disagree,because of protecting of the countryside and avoidance of any buildings.To
Due to the growth in population and demand for new houses, the majority of buildings are constructed in rural areas in many countries. Although the only space available to build homes is in these areas, I partly support
Nowadays, all over the world, the topic of building new homes in the countryside is omnipresent. While some people think the advantages of building homes in the countryside exist, others say there are disadvantages to cr
There is an ongoing debate that new construction built in the countryside may further scale down the greenlands on earth and thus we should not build new houses there. In my point of view, it is better to construct new h
As a result of growth in the world's population, the requirement for houses also has simultaneously increased. However, the bottleneck in facilitating this need is the unavailability of sufficient land extent. Therefore
The construction of new residential areas is a pressing concern in the present world. Although, more accommodation requires and more space needs, some indicate that do not construct buildings in the rural whether there
With the increase in population across the globe, today, it has been observed the living spaces of many people are difficult to be found. The more the population, the lesser houses are available. Through this ,passage I
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