IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, the individuals' spots in their families have dramatically changed. In this report, I will present examples of these changes, and then I will explain why I believe that it is a negative development.
Change is an integral part of life. Changes in the structure of family and member’s roles are inevitable in the last few years. This shift in the structure and roles can lead to some consequences. I think some of them ar
In the contemporary era, The structure of a family has greatly altered compared to the past. This essay would discuss 2 main changes taking place nowadays and I argue that these are both advantages and disadvantages.
Change a common part of life. In this era, changes in the household structure and members' role are inevitable. This shift in the structure and roles results in some consequences. In this essay, I will explain my reasons
It is argued that nowadays the structure of a usual family and in consequence the role of family members is experiencing significan changes. Indeed, some of them have detrimenta impeliments, while, the ather might be opt
Technology disrupt our society in many ways. The family structure is not an exception. Family is a group of people connected by marriage or bloodline sharing a same household. This essay will discuss how the family struc
In recent decades, there have been significant changes in the family structure, such as fewer members in a family and the definition of family members extending to non-humans. In my view, because of the changes in family
Undoubtedly, the expansion of human existence in families is changing rapidly. Therefore, family members in urban environments are having their own independence to do what they like. For ,this there will be plenty of pos
In the present society, there are many different types of families. Some families have general infrastructure. Moreover, many families have changed from the past. In the following paragraphs,both views on this topic will
In the past few decades, the patterns of a family seem to be greatly diversified. There are several changes related to this trend regarding its organization and members' role. In my opinion, this tendency can be seen as
Nowadays family plays an important role in one life's, It was men who are working and women sit at home and do outdoor chores like washing, cleaning, cooking and many more. In our society, they say only men can earn and
Many new trends and societal reformations have occurred in the wake of modernisation and restructuring of our society in the last decade. One among those changes is the modification of the family framework and the member
In the modern era,the household formation and responsibilities of the people involved have changed.This is due to hard economic times and the adaptaion to western culture.In my opinion, i believe the changes have the neg
A lot of new trends and reformation in the society has occurred owing to the wake of modernisation and restructuring of our society in the last decade. One among those changes is the modification of the family framework
It has been observed that the responsibilities of man and woman in the family and skeletal of family are being changed in present times. Living in nuclear family and preferences to women are the changes occur in recent t
Over the recent years, the structure of the family has seen many changes with roles being reversed. Though some may say that such transformations are good for the society while others may debate it. In this essay, I shal
The family structure and the role of its family members are shifted considerably when compared to the past few decades. I truly believe that the positive side of those changes is more compared to the negative side.
Today’s era has evolved in a vast majority of aspects. Lately, the family structure has changed including the function of its members, and because of this, some modifications can bring benefits or can be detrimental to t
It is indeed true that over the years, the family structure, as well as the family roles, have changed drastically. In my opinion, these changes have both a positive as well as a negative effect.
In recent years, we do see a positive change in how flexible ‘family’ as a social institution has emerged. The social stigma surrounding adoption, surrogacy, divorce, late marriage, child-less marriage is getting less im
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