IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There have been growing concerns about the range of educational subjects that students are required. Some people may have suggested that students should focus on specific subjects to prepare for their future careers. Th
In certain nations, secondary schools focus on offer general education through whole subjects. In others, students pay attention to specific topics connected to some career paths. In modern days, I prefer to focusing
It is considered by some countries that children should be provided a variety of courses to learn in schools, while others aim to make children only focus on several subjects according to their career goals. In my opinio
I think that,children on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career.Because of this type of children get information which them will help in their future.And they will know what they should do and the chil
Nowadays, national education systems offer various teaching programs and subjects. Some countries applying many subjects for student in secondary schools, but others prefer to provide subjects only for a specific job. In
In the modern era, several countries use school to provide across a range of modules as basic universal education for their children. On the flip side, there were countries focusing only on teaching them the subjects for
There are controversial perspectives heating a debate over the education. While some hold a strong view that a general education across a number of subjects is aimed to be provided by secondary schools, the opposite make
Secondary schools offer different kinds of education for children. Some are versatile, providing a range of subjects.While others are occupation-oriented based on some specific subjects. In my opinion, general education
People seem to have contradictory views concerning whether nations should focus on providing a wide range of subject education or only provide a specific subject education related to their career. I believe that the form
Nowadays, a lot of countries's secondary schools teach many subjects in general. However, some people argue that the school's teachers should teach subjects for only career,not generally. I strongly think that education
People have different views with regard to the content of education. While some may argue that the government should put emphasis on professional subjects in order to enhance competitiveness, I strongly agree that it is
In today’s world, national education systems offer widely different teaching programs and subjects, depending upon the particular country’s educational priorities. If a nation requires more specialists than generalists,
In my country just like most Asian countries, our secondary schools aim to provide us with an education that covers a range of subjects. This makes sure that students master general knowledge. Conversely, there is a diff
Nowadays, the world’s different countries have different focused subjects in their secondary schools. Some believe that children need to learn more general topics while others think the young should take the more specifi
Undoubtedly,in some part of the world,school target is education in specific subject to strengten specific area.However,some school provide wide range of subjects to school and make sure them can master in general subjec
Some argue that secondary schools should teach children a wide range of subjects, while the other group strongly believe that it would be more effective for children to just learn some specific courses related to their p
As the different requirements of secondary school students shown up gradually, the education mode has been seperating into two main kinds: take wide range of subjects and focus particularly on careers. It is ture that th
In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects, while in others, students focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. In my opinion, the latter
Although some school systems provide a different range of subjects, others aim to offer a limited range of those related to the chosen major. In my opinion, I consider that studying various subjects develop diverse skill
Nowadays, different schools have different curriculum criteria depending upon the demand of that particular city or region in which the school is located. Some cover a wide range of subjects while others, limit their cur
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