IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people made great developments in the agricultural world. However, in some parts of the world, hunger has not changed.This essay will first suggest that the biggest reasons for this problem are the increasing povert
Despite the agriculture field has developed, the number of people who experience starvation continues to increase. Various factors contribute to this issue, but potential solutions can be proposed to address it effective
Despite the agricultural field having developed, the number of people experiencing starvation continues to increase. Various factors contribute to this issue, but potential solutions can be proposed to address it effecti
Even though plenty of breakthroughs has been made in agriculture field over the last few decades, starvation is still the problem that number of countries face.
Nowadays, there are some developments in many aspects of agriculture. However, some people are still struggling to feed their families. The main reason is the huge economical and gap between one city to another.
Water plays an essential and invaluable role in farming although there are technological advancements taking place. There are various reasons for starvation such as global warming due to industrialization, the usage of f
In this contemporary society, despite the technological advancement in agriculture, many people around the world are still starving due to poverty. In this essay, I will address the causes of this issue and provide optim
Although there has been some significant agricultural development, the members of certain areas are still suffering from famine. This essay will first suggest that the biggest reasons for this starvation are the rampancy
Despite the improvements in the field of producing food and farming these days, many societies are still hungry due to the poverty that a great number of people all over the world are facing. To address this problem, usi
In today’s world the Food industry is developing fast. Regardless of those investments, lack of food is still a problem. I am of the belief that one of the reasons is increased food prices. But, the government should se
Global hunger is worsening at an unprecedented rate. Even though there are some developments in the production and distribution of food, it seems that they are not enough to reduce the rate of people who suffer from hung
Global hunger is worsening at an unprecedented rate. Even though there are some developments to the production and distribution of foods, it seems that they are not enough to reduce the rate of people who suffer from hun
We witnessed that, so many massive changes had happened in agriculture and made this field so advanced, especially these days. However, we cannot deny that a lot of individuals around the world are struggling to find foo
There is a prevailing belief that, although the evolution of agriculture the world is still safer from the phenomenon of malnutrition. In my opinion, this statement speaks out the nowadays reality.
It is evident that although we have a high level of cultivaion, there are still numerous people around the world suffering from the famine. I think the different levels between countries may lead to this and helping the
It is true that many people worldwide suffer from hunger although developments have grown in agriculture. There are several reasons for this and government should take some steps to alleviate this problem.
Starvation is always an emergent issue which still cannot be solved despite of the development of types of equipment in the agricultural field. In my perspective, there are two main reasons that i will mention in this es
Starvation is always an emergent issue which still could not be solved despite of the development of equipments in agricultural field. In my perspective, there are two main reasons that i will mention in this essay.
Nowadays, despite the any technological advancement made in the sphere of agriculture,some people still suffer from starvation worldwide. This essay will discuss that there are still military issues in some countries
Despite the agricultural advancements in recent years, numerous people are still hungry worldwide. I believe that exploring the causes of this problem can assist in finding suitable solutions to resolve it.
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