IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Technological development is warmly welcomed in every corner of the world, especially in developed nations. After the introduction of information and communication technology, the world is rapidly changing with moderniza
In the last ,centuries scientists and engineers have been inventing and developing new devices in order to simplify individuals' life and it can not be denied that they reached a high level with advanced technologies. Ho
In this era, everyone involves in a hi-tech advancement. I extremely agree with this point because through this people are attainable to reach their goals, and it makes a strength all over the globe. Although every progr
Human beings are always striving towards reaching greater heights. While there are contributing factors, it is true that technological advancements have led to the fall of natural resources. Scientists and leaders are aw
In the 21st century, technology has increased in rapid speed. However, there are some problems harnessed with advanced technology, which is affecting the human's race as a group and individual. There are some possible ac
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