IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the modern era today, pupils have more options to study in their homeland or in another country. In this essay, I will show some benefits and drawbacks of studying in another country rather than in their homeland.
In the modern era today, pupils have more options to study in their home country or in another country. In this essay, I will show some benefits and drawbacks of studying in another country rather than in their home coun
It was considerably common for students to study in their home state when they pursued a degree in tertiary education, whereas these days, they receive more chances to perform overseas study, which is able to broaden the
It was considerably common for students to study in their home state when they pursued for a degree from tertiary education, whereas, these days, they receive more chance to perform an overseas study, which is able to br
In the past few years, there has been an ever-rising trend to study abroad than it was in the past. Is it a better option to study outside the homeland? Although some people argue that this development has several drawba
In the past students used to study in their own town when they were doing university degree. However, nowadays they have more opportunity to study abroad. And there are many advantages an disadvantages. Any
For the longest time, studying at a higher level mostly occurs within the country. However, in the past few years, students can have more chances to pursue their education overseas. This essay is going to discuss the adv
Nowadays due to the prevalence of globalisation and technological advancement, students have more chances to apply to foreign universities when they are in their homelands. In this essay, I would like to describe the be
Nowadays, Studying abroad has become more popular among students. In the previous decades, students did their university degrees in their own country. Whereas now they have plenty of chances to pursue their studies abroa
In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have more opportunity to study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development? Use your
While formerly students tended to pursue a university degree in their own country, today it is more possible for them to do it abroad. This essay will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign la
A long time ago learners used to do tertiary school in their orignal country whilst, these days they have more access to study overseas as this have got many benefits such as good standards of living and high salaries.H
Currently, opportunity to study in another country for student are increased, therefore many student are pursuing to study abroad rather than in their own country. In this essay, i will explain several benefits and drawb
Few decades ago, when pupils completed their college degree, they used to join further studies in their own nation, but these days they have more chance to study overseas. This essay will examine various benefits as well
Nowadays, youngsters possess more opportunities to have a better education by studying overseas than those students in the past. In my perception, it is certain that adolescents who are studying abroad in a university de
Lately, more students are opting to study abroad than at home because of easier opportunities. Although there are numerous benefits to this trend, there are some drawbacks too. This essay will examine them in detail with
Since the world started to be a more cosmopolitan place, young people began to study abroad rather than in their own country in order to exploit more opportunities. This essay will outline how the brain drain affects the
It was long before that the people were prioritizing to study at the university of their own country. Globalization has entirely changed this narrative by reshaping the education industry, providing countless opportuniti
In the past few decades, studying abroad has got an immense increase while in the past students preferred to study in their own place rather than going to other countries. Further, we will discuss the advantages and dis
Although studying abroad is thought by some to be a good opportunity for students, other people think that it could be detrimental. International students can gain independency and obtain better educational qualificatio
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