IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the few years, students obtained a university degree, they studied in their country. these days, they have several opportunities to complete their education through other cities. I strongly believe that the benefits
Recently,many students interested in studying outside countries more than past time. As well as, today they have many opportunties comparing to the past. This essay will illustrates the merits and drawbacks of this phnom
In recent days, scholars desire to enroll in foreign universities, this trend is quite popular to around the world as compared to the earlier. In the past periods students completed degree in their home country only but
In this contemporary epoch, there are countless opportunities for any individuals who want to study overseas, by contrast to previous times. According to undeniable facts, the following essay will aim at outlining its
In the past, the only chance for students after finishing high school was the national universities.While recently, the chance for studying in international universities after graduation become easier, when you compare
Higher education is of great significance for individuals’ future. In the old days, the majorly of teenagers preferred to get a undergraduate degree in their homeland. However, there are considerably opportunities for yo
In recent times, on accomplishing a bachelors degree, students have had more chances to study in foreign countries. Whereas, earlier they use to continue education in their own nation. In this essay, I will be examining
In recent times, on accomplishing a bachelors degree, students have more chances to study in foreign countries. Whereas, earlier they use to continue education in their own nation. In this essay, I will be examining the
Globalization had changed everything, and educational field hadn't been untouched. In earlier times, students used to receive their education in home countries , whereas now, students prefer to study overseas. Undoubtedl
In the last decade,It has been witnessed the surge of student immigrants in many countries. With more and easy options to pursue their study in the desired countries with better opportunities to be hired by top companies
Earlier, if a student completes graduation, they prefer to study in native but nowadays, degree holders get good opportunities to study overseas countries. In my opinion, the advantages of this development outweigh the d
Education plays a vital role in every individual life, where obtaining a degree is the main cog of that wheel. In the olden days, graduates used to opt for their own hometown universities for their graduate program where
In this era of modernization, obtaining a degree from a foreign university is considered as a credit in many countries. In the olden days, students chose to conduct their higher education in their own nation
At one time, undergraduate prefer to study in their home country for higher education but in recent times this trend has changed and many scholars are moving overseas to finish territory studies. In my opinion, it has mo
In the bygone days, when academic students pursue their Pg degree, there was a norm to do it in their native country. Until recently, a plethora of facilities are available for overseas education. I believe this trend ha
When talking about the past, many of the people were attended to their home town universities and local institutions to pursue their degrees and courses. Nowadays, many of the people are going to the abroad for their hig
In the last years, when students graduated university bachelor degree, they ought to assimilate their own national institute. This essay will first demonstrate that education sector’s knowledge will be higher level than
In recent years, learners have more opportunities to learn at foreign universities as compared with the past, when they took admissions in their home country for higher education. In my opinion, there are more demerits t
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