IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a new trend among companies to distinguish their goods by pointing out it’s uniqueness in the commercials. They do it to establish their brand identity, though it can be confusing for the consumers sometimes. H
Every organisation has a need to promote their products and services at some point of their operature. It is observed that they tend to showcase the newness of their products in some way. This short essay explores why th
In the world of advertising, there are different strategies that make businesses capable of introducing their products to guarantee their success. Huge attention is paid to people’s buying habits and their behaviours tow
In nowadays competitive market, businesses often highlight the novelty of their products in their advertising campaigns.
Many advertisements these days mostly emphasise what is new on their products. In this essay, reasons on this matter and why I think it brings advantages to our society will be outlined before reaching a conclusion.
It is increasingly a common marketing strategy for companies to stress that their commercial products are new and somehow different from others in their advertisement. The general tendency of people to seek for something
Some advertising agencies have endeavoured to introduce their products’ unique features to the public in recent years. This essay will first suggest that brand differentiation and consumer appeal are the two foremost rea
In recent times, it has become very common business to find different ways to make the product new in the commercials. This is due to, increase the sell of the product and ultimate earn more money out of it. I believe it
Nowadays, since there are many kinds of media platforms where any business can promote their products, the competition in the market is fairly high, and advertisements are one way to improve sales of a product. Various c
Advertisements often emphasize the novelty of products to capture the attention and desire for newness of potential customers. This approach may suggest that newer products are inherently superior to older ones, which ha
In this new era with a high prevalence of entrepreneurs, the creation of innovative products has become more popular, mainly because of the competitiveness and the necessity to improve their marketing. I consider that th
Companies nowadays have a tendency to focus on the innovativeness of their products in advertisements. Personally, I contend that pressure from the market is among the major drivers for this trend. Despite being a shrewd
In this era, some company establishes an innovative way to market their products through preliminary introductions about their products is the first among others. In my opinion, this is a positive development for busines
With technology advancement, entrepreneurs are using more advertisement to claim their products that are new in different methods. The reason is because they believe it can attract more citizens willing to pay for their
It is true that recently, many companies often advertise that their products have brand-new designs or innovative functions. People have different views about the factors related to this phenomenon, and some view this tr
In recent years, there has been a competition between industries to make the most innovative and distinct advertisement, claiming their products are the best than others, which is caused by market demand and financial pu
In these days, many companies illustrate that their products are modern while marketing. In this report I will go through the positive and negative effects of this development, then allow me to share my position.
These days, many businesses emphasize in their advertisements that their goods are new in some aspects. There are several reasons why they do this and I take the view that doing this is a positive improvement which I wil
With the development of the economy, many merchants choose to use novel advertising to attract consumers. There are some advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon.
Nowadays, it is a noticeable phenomenon that businesses are more likely to highlight the innovation of their product. Such modern trend, in my point of view, does more good than harm.
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