IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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No one can deny that the development of technology is progressing rapidly, allowing people to access any information they need with just one click. People are increasingly using computers and many other electronic device
There is an increasing number of individuals who use electronic means in order to get informed. It can be therefore discussed that there is no need for printed media such as journals and books. I definitely agree with th
With the rapid development of technology, it is observed that using physical books, magazines and newspapers is not a popular way to get information. Overall, I firmly agree with this view as I think that there are vario
A number of individuals said that traditional printed media would be disrupted by electronic books and cutting-edge technology. In my opinion, I consider that the electronic form of articles and new technology are enabli
An increasing number of individuals use computers and electric devices to retrieve knowledge, henceforth printed media is no longer necessary. In my opinion, I agree to obtain information through digital equipment rather
Nowadays, there is increasing use of computers and other electronic gadgets to acquire information. Therefore, nobody needs to create written materials, such as newspapers, journals and so on. I am firmly of the opinion
As technology develops, people rely on computers and electrical devices to search for information more than books ,magazines and newspapers. Thus, some people harbour a belief that those paper products are no longer need
I cannot entirely agree with the above statement. The advantage for electronic devices is that they are easier to carry around than printed books, magazines or newspapers. They take up no space and are very lightweight.
In today's digital age, the prevalence of computers and electronic devices has revolutionized the way people access information. While some argue that printed books, magazines, and newspapers are becoming obsolete, I fir
In the digital era faced by individuals of the XXI century, it is quite common for people to get information through technological tools such as their phones, computers or tablets. Therefore, the printed sources of infor
Today, with the prelevance of digital devices using, it is much easier to access the information online or through the other digital platforms, such as computers, smartphones and iPads. Although some people believe that
Nowadays increasing use of computers and electronic devices get information. For this reason, no need to type books, magazines, and newspapers. I totally disagree with this. I will argue why I agree with this.
Many human beings around the world are using desktops and other electronic gadgets to fetch data. Therefore, I personally, disagree that textbooks, novels, magazines as well as newspapers are no longer important. This is
Currently,electric devices are widely used by the public in order to get information.As a result, there are no requirements for paper books or magazines, in addition to newspapers.Not that I agree with it,though. This es
These days, people rely on electronic devices to gain information due to their convenience. Therefore, some believe that there is no more urgency to use paper-based books, magazines, and newspapers. I agree with the vie
An incrasing number of society are choosing computers and electronic devices to get any information nowadays, therefore everything are digitalized. In fact, i agree with this trend for two main reasons.
In today's digital age, there has been ongoing debate regarding whether paper-made media will be replaced by technology. Some people believe that we can access information only using electric devices, while others argue
Even though, Increasing number of the people are using computers and other electronic means to get information. I dont agree that newspaper and magazine's production should come to a halt. As reading newspaper is benefic
Nowadays, data exchange can be done within a fraction of second anytime from anywhere. The advancements in technology are the reason behind this. It has become a basic commodity for many people to access information rega
Nowadays, data exchange can be done within a fraction of a second anytime from anywhere. The advancements in technology are the reason behind this. It has become a basic commodity for many people to access information re
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