IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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One school of thought holds that young managers and team leaders in different organizations could do better than the older ones. While I accept that this perception is somewhat justifiable, I believe that elder workers
One school of thought holds that young managers and team leaders in different organizations could better than the older ones. While I accept that this perception is somewhat justifiable, I believe that the elder workers
Top management, for example, directors and managers, play an important role in monitoring businesses and making the right decisions. People who are suitable for these positions should have sufficient technical knowledge
In these days, all kind of work in an organization require the leadership skill. Therefore, officers shoud be lead by talented leaders to manage and make the best quality of workpeice. In most companies, the older people
In recent years, it is common that elderly people are suitable for the leaders or directors in companies, while others argue that young generation is also able to be this role. In my opinion, even though both old and you
In today’s rapidly evolving world, the debate over whether older or younger individuals make better leaders in organizations is ongoing. While some argue that experience and wisdom often come with age, others contend tha
In this contemporary world, it is true that higher positions are prevalently held by senior citizens in many firms.
It is often thought that leaders or managers in team or group companies or communication must be senior people, while others think that young staff able to director their team well today. I completely agree with this
It is often though that leaders or managers in team or group companies or community must be senior people, while others think that young staffs able to director their team well today. I completely agree with this idea. T
Leadership is not the product of age. Over recent years there has been discussions that came into light which speaks about young generation equally capable of higher management positions in a company as the older pleople
1.To gather documents of police report that has been reported by PT. BSRE based on police report acknowledgement letter or complaint
It can be seen that chairmans/CEO's in many organisations are senior people.Some argued that older leaders should be replaced by young citizens.I believe that this phenomenon is not going to be a wise decision and i comp
Leader plays a big part in a certain community that they handled. While many of the great one before us are older, some people might thought that a better change could be make by young people that deserve the title. This
It is true that higher positions are prevantely held by aged members inany organizations these days. While some people believe younger people would demonstrate better leadership, it is in my opinion that senior mangers p
Weather the leader of a company should be choosen from older people or not ia said to be an issue of braod interest and debat. Although the experience of ages has been brought up people as a high quality managers, follow
These days an increasing number of elders run businesses, whereas not many youngsters can be noticed as the leaders of different companies. It's argued that it is beneficial for a society to provide leading positions to
It is often argued that old people are better at leading an organization compared to the young. I personally disagree with this idea since I believe age is not the key to measuring the success of a leader.
Elders are virtually in charge of group leading; However, there is a notion that employing youngsters as a head is more effective. I side with those who think youngsters are better in this regard due to being more up-to-
Commonly speaking, heads of institutions are older members of society. According to some people's opinion younger administrators would influence the management system in a better way. I am inclined to agree with both of
It is common for organisations to have seniors as top executives. However, in the contemporary era, many people argue that young individuals are better to instead of these older leaders. In my opinion, I completely agree
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