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Having a life in that country where you dont speak their language can make some geniune problems in your social life along with your Practical life.Furthermore, i will give you my opinion on that statement.
Nowadays many people migrate to foreign countries in the expectation of elevating their living standards. However, living in a different country where immigrants have to adopt speaking an unfamiliar language can create n
It is fact that when you accommodate in a foreign country, you are required to change the way you live to fit in the local habit, some people consider this as a challenge that I completely concur.
There are some arguments that foreigners living in other countries face a wide range of social problems as well as practical issues due to the language barrier. From my perspective, I totally agree with this point of vie
It is stated that foreigners may encounter various issues such as social and practical problems due to having to speak a new language in the country of destination. In my opinion, learning a foreign language is challengi
It is argued that communication and living with foreign people in another country results in social and practical issues and challenges. I completely disagree with this notion because of its benefits such as gaining expe
There is no denying the fact that speaking complex concept. While it is commonly held belief that living in country and they have to speak foreign language it is make many problems. There is also an argument that opposes
Some argue that, Having the residence in a country where the majority is native speakers, can cause significant social and practical issues. I totally agree with this statement because the language problem is a burden fo
People find it difficult to spend their lives in a nation that they have to speak a foreign language and this not only can lead to having major issues in daily life, but also arrises some impracticalities in every-day li
In contemporary society, countries become borderless and people’s migration is not a big deal at this moment. In fact, living overseas is one of the achievements for some people in today’s era where they can immerse the
In our modern world, emigration become one of the common aproaches trough people all around world. Despite, it brought up Some draw backs for both emigrants and local dwellers. in civil sector and labour Sector which req
Currently, multi-language speakers are reducing due to practicing common foreign language which has negative impact on physical and social life. I completely agree with this view and will explain the reasons in this essa
It is argued whether inidividals who live abroad and speak new language face many problems in their daily and social life. To my personal opinion, in this case, knowing foreign language will prompt to overcome emerged is
In contemporary society, a majority of foreigners live in countries where they have to speak a foreign language. Some people argue that this situation can cause difficult social and practical issues. I completely agree
In a globalized world, it is increasingly common for people to live in countries where they have to speak a foreign language. Some argue that this can cause severe social and practical issues. I completely agree with thi
Nowadays, it has become trend to move into another country after completed high education however, living into nation where people have to speak international language, faced nember of issues like home-sickness, communic
Living in a nation which requires you to communicate by a language other than your mother tongue can cause both tremendous social problems and practical problems to a person. In my opinion, I will agree with this opinion
Immigrating to other countries in pursuit of happiness and prosperity is the main feature of modernity. Given that the language of the new country may be different from the country of origin, some plausible social and pe
In the world where globalization becoming common, some people try to seek opportunity and living in the foreign country either for study or work. This phenomenon can cause social issue as well as practical issue for some
Knowing how to speak a foreign language is the most crucial way to connect with that country’s culture. If someone cannot make connections with people around him in a foreign country, it causes many mental problems in th
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