IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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As a matter of fact, there are a significant number of monitoring systems in public areas which were installed in cities. It is held that the camera systems were placed there only for safety reasons, in order to reduce t
Recently there has been a claim about the installation of cameras in specific spots such as parks playgrounds, supermarkets, and other local areas. Some people believe this will aid in providing safety while others argue
Without any doubt, public cameras are becoming ubiquitous as well as playing a vital role to deter crimes of any kind. Certain individuals hold the idea that they permeate their private lives. However, from my perspectiv
The article and the lecture introduce different opinions about using of computers in vote counting during election. These opinions will be discussed and compared.
In this modern world, crimes occur across the globe and in order to reduce their occurrence, major cities have installed cameras in public areas. Despite, cameras providing much-needed safety to the city population, some
In recent years, due to the development of technology, the installation of cameras in public areas has increased to reduce criminal activities.However, some people believe that the camcorder can affect personal life.Thi
Whilst some argue that surveillance in public places are an invasion of privacy, others believe that it helps to reduce and prevent crimes. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of surveillance methodes such
Nowadays, safety represents the main concern for many people worldwide and for that reason, many cities have installed monitoring Cameras everywhere in order to reduce crime.However, this is a very controversial issue be
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