IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People in the modern world do not exercise enough for various social, economical, and environmental factors. Various parties may need to collaborate in order to change this harmful lifestyle.
In the modern world, it is undeniable that people less attention to their health care. Due to their working time and lifestyle. Also, some people can't register gym members for workout. Because of their price. In this es
A lot of doctors argue that individuals in the recent universal do not work efficiently. The main reasons for this case are the daily pressures and the fast food chains. An effective solution to this problem is to advise
Notwithstanding frequent warnings from health professionals about the consequences of lack of exercise, people have still turned deaf ears to it. The major cause is the inactive life of workaholics. Then, crucial solutio
In this modern world, people usually don't have time to go to the gym for exercise or for a morning walk and they don't even have a proper diet structure.Nowadays,everyone is in a hurry to go to the office,college o
Notwithstanding frequent stark warnings from medical professionals about the consequences of a lack of physical activities, people continue to be couch potatoes. The causes of this problem are mainly traced to the inacti
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