IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a growing trend of individuals engaging with social media. Some argue that social networking sites, commonly known as SNS, have adverse effects on both individuals and society. I personally concur with this view
Social networking sites , for instance, Facebook, have had a huge detrimental effect on individuals and local communities. Although it is beneficial for individuals,I also believes that these sites have negative impact o
Social networking sites, for instance, Facebook, are thought by some to have had a detrimental effect on people individually and on societies as well. I mainly prefer that it has a beneficial impact on people but to some
It is considered by some individuals that, social networking sites, for example, Facebook have had a detrimental effect on individual people and local communities. However, I believe it has a beneficial effect on a perso
In this era, networking sites has become essential in this modern world. Using social networking has both positive and negative aspects. I will discuss both in coming paragraphs and will give my opinion.
In the new millennium, it may conceded that advanced technology plays a vital role in our lives. Some argue that problems in communities often stem from using social media. This essay will shed light on the drawbacks of
Social networking has a lot of advantages for us. We can experience a society of global due to connecting people by people without distance and time. In addition, that's a terrific measure due to mediocrity people can ap
In this contemporary society, most people use Social Network Services such as Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Concerning this issue, some people are of the opinion that these are affect on personally and even our socie
In contemporary times, social websites have infiltrated almost all aspects of our lives, making life easier and more challenging concurrently depending on the given conditions. The topic of whether social media platform
One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in social media connections for sending and receiving information. I do not agree with the people's thoughts because everyone uses di
Social networking sites, for instance, Facebook, are thought by some to have had a detrimental effect on individual people, society, and local communities. However, while such sites mainly benefit the individual, I agree
There are many arguments that social media negatively influences a person and their circle in their lives. On the contrary, some people believe that has a positive impact on them. This essay will discuss both these views
Social networking sites are thought to be a negative influence for its users. I partially agree to this proposal not because the sites themselves, but because there are devils residing on the peripheral.
The number of users of social networking sites has been increased rapidly in the recent years. Many people contend that social media sites bring positive outcomes for societies, while others think that the drawbacks are
Most society members say that social media such as Facebook has negative impacts on individuals and the public. I strongly agree that platforms like Facebook and Instagram affect lots of lives negatively and have raised
In recent years, the popularity of social media has skyrocketed, attracting numerous people to consume its services, especially on major social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter which have experienced the most
I’ve found some information for my project ‘What teenagers in Zetland spent their money on’ and now i would like to introduce it.
Social networking sites has been widely used and followed by everyone though it be a kid, youngster or old aged professional. Social media has become part of our everyday routine. where it is often argued that social med
Nowadays, social media like Facebook are an essential part of everyone's life. Hence, the question of whether these websites have a significant negative impact on individuals and society remains a subject of intense deba
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