IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Studying in university not only has main subjects but also has many extra alternative activities,such as sports, and social clubs, that students can select as another special interest. Many students are likely to be fasc
Nowadays, there are too many students who tend to play several different kinds of sports activities in schools and universities which might present both advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, I will mention the ef
Nowadays, there are too many students who tend to play several different kinds of sports activities in schools and universities which might present both advantages and disadvantages. In this assey, I will mention the ef
Most of students tend to attend extra activities outside of main subjects such as sport trainings and other networking clubs.
Several university scholars are interested in non academic activites such as social clubs and sports. It is often argued that it may affect the academic performance of the students. I completely agree with this view whi
It is argued that recreational activities have become poular with pupils. As will be suggested that becoming creative is the biggest advantages,reduction of motive for academic education might be the primary disadvantage
In this contemporary era, it is difficult for teenager to compete, if they do not gain any knowledge from the different sorts of activities, such as community work and games. Therefor, Large number of students engages in
Universities not only educate students, but offer several opportunities such as exchange programmes and extra-curricular activities as well. While some prefer to take part in such activities, others are not in favour of
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