IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The amount of money is spent on space exploration annually. While some individuals believe that the money should be invested in the living standards on the earth. The writer of this essay asserts that the government has
Spending a lot of money on researching how to go out of the earth has sparked debates among people. Some argue that putting money into this research is wasteful, whereas others think otherwise. I lean toward the belief t
In recent years lots of economic expenditure has been used to study space projects yearly. most of the individual presenting their thought that all expenditures can be utilized in the development of living life of hu
In the recent year lots of economical expenditure using to study on space project in yearly. most of the individual presenting their thought that all expenditure can utilize in the development of living life of human
A large number of people agree that government should give money to develop earth living standards rather than using it in a research of space. I compeletly agree that spend money for many reason.
Every year millions of dollars are spent on space investigation.Certain individuals say that money should be invested in the betterment of living standards on Earth.Hence,In the coming years,it is going to be very tough
An abundant amount of money is spent on astronomical research every year. However, many argue that millions of dollars should be distributed for life improvement on Earth. I personally agree that the money should be dire
In this age of technology, humanity has always been driven to explore endless space. Some people argue that spending financial resources for space research and development programs would be a waste while others believe t
Space discovery project is so expensive that spent millions of dollars anually. Some opinions stated that the budget should be spent on increasing living standards on the planet. I disagree with that opinion as I believe
Many people believe that we should focus more on improving living conditions on our planet, and some believe that more money should be spent on space research. This writer believes that more money should be spent on spac
A large amount of money is provided for researching in space each year. Individuals think that these money can increase the quality of life on the Earth. This essay disagrees with this statement.
Astronomic investigations have been spent millions of dollars annually and many individuals object that those spending should be spent on improving Earth's living standards instead.This author completely agrees with thi
Asttronomic investiagtions have been spent with millions of dollars anually and many individuals object that those spendings should be spent on improving Earth's living standards instead.This authour completely agree wit
Nowadays, a lot of money is invested to research space. Major of people believe that the money should be spent on make quality of life on Earth better. I agree partly with this opinion and will explain in the following p
The spending on space discovery each years is becoming a considerable controversy all over the world. A growing number of people said that it is essential to spend the money on enhancing life quality in day life. This es
there is a debate that some people think that the millions of dollars are spent on space research every year should be spent on improving living sandards on Earth. In my opinion, I completely agree with that statement. T
Nowadays, a lot of money is invested in research space. Major of people believe that money should be spent on making the quality of life on Earth better. I agree partly with this opinion and will explain in the followin
Numerous of dollars are use to study about space anniversary, while many individuals disagree that live quality around the global should be spent more money for in order to improve. I completely agree with this statement
It is said that millions of dollars should be spent on developing the people's life instead of using for space research. In my point of view, I totally agree with that view due to the number of the reasons.
Annually, a large sum of money is spent on investing in aerospace research. Many people think that they should use money to improve the standards of life. From my perspective, I dissagree with this argument.
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