IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, more people are receiving news through online mediums instead of traditional means, such as newspapers and TV programs. Despite some of the drawbacks, I still think this is a
In recent years, to get the information with newspapers or the Internet has been in the spotlight of public attention as well as that of the government. With regard to this matter, I am of the opinion that to get the new
In the modern world, it has been ubiquitous that the public is highly keen to reading online news rather than physical news. While this trend has some clear disadvantages, I am of an opinion that getting news online has
Today, individuals spend less time on TV or newspapers increasingly in order to acquire news timely, and they prefer to learn from the internet. I strongly believe that virtual news creates positive development due to it
The Internet has made our lives easier by providing easy access to every type of information online which has reduced the practice of reading newspapers or watching TV. Undoubtedly, this has led to the saving of time and
While a group of people feel that it is better to get news from newspapers and television programs, others believe that reading news on the Internet is the best way. And I personally do agree with the latter, and I will
In the contemporary epoch, there is irrefutable quarrel among folk about online media conversely to the quondam. In this discourse, I am going to canvass the stated question and elucidate on copious motives and then inte
It is a generally held view that some conventional media have been losing their influences offering news for the public. This is because various alternative media have established and developed due to the advancement of
The Internet has invaded each and every sphere of life. In this modern era, the vast majority of individuals prefer to read headlines from the internet instead of reading it through paper and mass media. I believe that i
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are relying on online news portals for acquiring information. Consequently, the following of print media, as well as broadcasting media, has been declining significantly. This ess
In the present day, the internet creates various methods for people to receive daily news. Although it is convenient for young people by using the internet to read news, for elderly people, it is difficult to learn how t
In the present day, internet technology creates various methods for people to receive news every day. Thus the newspapers and TV programs are replaced by the internet eventually. In my opinion, this trend brings a positi
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