IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Since the Covid-19 era, many daily activities have changed drastically, and the learning experience is not an exception, as someone who has experienced first-hand all types of classroom environments: the completely offl
We can see that most of the people in today's era are opting for online classes rather than going classroom. There are some merits as well as demerits of this trend. I will discuss both perspective of learning in this es
In the era of this modern world, everything is getting modified whether it is business, education,daily jobs or entertainment. Everybody is involved in the use of machines in some ways. Online learning is making its plac
Nowadays, technology have developed so the scientists want to replace all the classroom learning to online course. A lots students in the highschool or university interested to learning online than go to school. In this
Online learning is getting famous every year and the percentage of people who prefer studying online over going to classes is increasing. Most of the colleges and universities are now offering most of their courses onlin
Given that artificial intelligence is progressing very fast, many people think that internet learning portals will replace schools in the near bay future. Hence, it has been observed in recent years that the number of me
Recently, it is becoming popular for people to be tutored via the Internet, instead of the traditional classroom learning method. This essay will discuss the advantages of online schooling and will give reasons why I am
Nowadays, learning online has been receiving a great deal of public attention because of its convenience and saving. Although this trend appears attractive, online learning can not wholly replace classroom learning for l
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