IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Each habitat of the world namely water, air and planet is polluted by unnatural materials especially plastic. This is a serious issue because it affects every creature’s body and mental health. This essay will consider t
In the recent years, we have seen an enormous increase in the amount of oil products that has been released in the environment. This issue has brought us a lot of crises that destroying the habitat of living things is th
It is argued that an increasing number of plastic is contaminating the earth. The main problems are that plastic cannot be degraded and it puts animals in danger, and the most viable solutions are elaborating campaigns a
It is argued that an increasing number of plastic is contamiting the earth. The main problems are that plastic cannot be degraded and it puts animals in danger, and the most viable solutions are elaborating campaigns and
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the fact that sectors namely megacities, rural areas and seas in the world are suffering from the progressive trend in plastic. This essay is devoted to the dire
Nowadays, plastics are widely used to wrap products sold in stores and bring groceries. However, the litter is giving negative impacts on the environment since it will not be unravelled easily. Thus, there should be some
Increasing plastic pollution is becoming one of the main problems in the earth’s living circle. As a result, this pollution is harmful to all the creatures on the earth. I personally think that this problem can be mostly
Nowadays, more and more plastic is being released into the environment which causes many pressing problems. I will show you some of these problems here and give some suggestions to solve them.
In recent times, an enormous amount of plastic has been contaminating all over the globe, including cities, beaches , and almost all countries. This could cause a severe effect on the human population and also other livi
Recently, numerous environmental problems appear in our surroundings due to the plastic waste. As a result, people's health and living standard are significantly influenced by these issues. Therefore, the government, cor
It's trendy that more and more plastic is produced for commerce, industry and transportation. On the one hand, it brings convenience to our life; on the other hand, it causes severe pollution in cities, the countryside a
Plastic has been a major factor of pollution recently, as numerous plastics are being dumped into land and oceans, the food supply and food chain can be affected. Nevertheless, the government can set some policies to sol
In recent years, there has been a marked increase in the production and consumption of plastic, giving rise to environmental problems. This essay will discuss the main problems associated with plastic wastes and propose
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