IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Overall, I disagree with the statement because discovering new innovations is always for the betterment of societies around the world, and investing time and money to invent something new by various scientists always hav
It is true that a number of the inventions and theory gives the benefits for people and society. But, the success would get only one after numerous efforts and failure. Some argue these trying is worthless and waste of r
It is commonly believed that most results of scientific research are useless and considered a waste of resources. I personally contradict this statement because many inventions have developed humans' quality of life sinc
According to many, Scientific inventions and discoveries are valueless and a waste of time and money. Additionally, Many people believe that these inventions are worthless since it has little to no contribution to the wo
Nowadays, Many experts' inventions and discoveries are non-sense difficulties only a waste of authority time and money as well. I agree with this notion, because many well-known physiologists try to invent time machines
Expenses spent on the majority of scientific creations and innovations can be viewed as invaluable. However, I believe that science has shaped the world with the discovery of new things such as technologies, cures to ce
It is a fact that we are living in the most advanced technological era,which is the result of past researches and discoveries.Though some may opine that the research process is mere wastage of time and money, I consider
Nowadays, evolution in the field of science and technology is considered by many as misuse of time and monetary resources. I completely disagree with the given notion and believe that some scientific researches have bene
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