IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, visiting historical places such as museum is popular among societies, although there are opinions about the admission fees. It is right for museums and art galleries to charge entry. I belive that benefits do o
Whilst some believe that they should be available to people for exploration at no cost, I believe if not substantial, at least a nominal amount must be charged. In this essay, I will explain why I feel that entry at suc
Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly common for people to visit museums and art galleries. People can go there for entertainment or to learn about the arts. However, presently, museums and art gallery charge admission f
Museums and galleries are important to the public as they educate historical knowledge and promote arts. Some of these facilities charge people for entry, while others have free admission. In my view, I would argue that
Several museums and art exhibitions require access fees, while some do not cost a dime. While free entry may give more exposure to the arts, I strongly believe that charging for it would be more advantageous for the foll
Today, around the world there are a plethora of museums and art galleries that are available for people. These centres are built by the government to protect the valuables of a country and exhibit the talents of people.
Museums and art galleries attract various historical items and unique art to be viewed by the public.This attracts many visitors and the organization in charge make the decision as to whether there is a necessity for an
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