IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It has often been said that 'Good news is bad news because it does not sellnewspapers. A radio station that once decided to present only good news soonfound that it had gone out of business for lack of listeners. Bad new
In 21 century, the electronic variously developed. The news editor has different ways to broadcast their news but how and why they choose those tools to present? Let's try to figure them out.
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. Now people are beginning to realize that everyday news has become an essential part of our lives. Personally
What news printed in the newspaper and broadcast in the television it decided by the news editors. The factors influence that kind of decisions are differences between news, and the topic of news. I think we are not used
In most media houses, the decision of what content is to be broadcasted on TV or printed in daily newspapers lies squarely in the hands of news editors. Criteria and factors such as attention-worthiness, political releva
News editors play a fundamental role in deciding which content is appropriate to be broadcast on TV and printed in newspapers. From my point of view, there are several factors that should be taken into account in decidi
Recent research shows that news editors no longer use bad news both on television and in newspapers due to people's behaviours. In other words, it is obvious that many editors use various forms of bad news to get higher
In contemporary society, the role of media has consistently been a topic of interest among the masses. The statement that news editors can control so much power to decide what to publish on televisoins and newspapers has
Columnists determine what to publicize on small screen and the content in tabloids. There is a plethora of causes that govern this determination, which will be discussed in this essay. And since there is a trend of getti
In the mordern world, news makers decide what broadcast on television and what to paint in to newspaper. There are number of factors influence On these decisions and then create bad news and would it be better if many go
Nowadays, with the vast amount of information available on the internet, news editors face challenging decisions about which stories to broadcast or publish. Their choices are influenced by various factors. In my opinion
The news editors have the main responsibility for giving the decision for publishing news either on Television and Newspaper. This essay will explain several factors behind this important decision. Regardless of the floo
It is in the hands of the news editors to finalize the content to be televised and the news to be printed in the newspapers. There are various deciding factors that influence this practice and though one might become ad
In most media houses, editors finalize what to publish or broadcast as news. There are multifarious factors like market economics and political affiliations that impact their decisions. Nevertheless, most people have b
There are many channels and programmes on TV prepared for broadcast and printing in newspapers to let the people judge if the news is bad or good before they read it. And there are questionable questions, What factors in
Mostly, news editors decide what should be shown in media, whether it could be television or newspapers. It is true that news directs the focus of people around the world. This statement is discussed with own ideas, expe
It is irrefutable that newspapers and television are great sources of knowledge and information. However, the news editor plays an important role in making crucial decisions about broadcasting the news. Nowadays bad news
The newspaper is a mirror of everyday life. At the time of editing and publishing information, a newsperson gets haphazard because of which to give priority. The public needs more subjective announcements either good or
Over the past few decades, news broadcasting and newspaper have been increasing in importance through the centuries. Although the majority of people believe that a news editor is a merely responsible factor for selecting
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