IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are controversial perspectives heating a debate over animal-based testing. While some claim that these experiments should be prohibited as it is ethically unacceptable to induce animals to suffer, the opposite make
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over animal-based testing. While some claim that experiments on animals are not necessary and make animals suffer from pain, the opposite makes a statement that th
Thesedays, inventing new medicines are considered to be one of the essential requirements due to the growing number of diseases. The majority of people say that it is not important to show humanity on animals in order to
With the help of technology , the world has come a long way . Experiments and researches have become an integral part of society There is a range of conflicting arguments related to the issue. society has been divided i
It’s true that animal experimentation has been overwhelmingly used to promote human medical and technology development. While I accept it is unfair treatment to experimenting animals, I would support a limited amount of
It is argued that doing research tests on animals for new drugs and safety measurements, while others believe that these tests should be forbidden because of animal welfare and cruelty. In my opinion, animal experiments
Lately, there has been a debate on whether using animals as tools to create safe products for humans is ethical or not. Although many believe that the outcome is worth the sacrifice of this creatures, others believe the
Recently, there has been a significant amount of discussion surrounding the use of animals in scientific experiments to develop new medicines and test the safety of various products. While some individuals argue that the
Over the last few decades , there have been instens debates regarding the conciquences of utilizing animals as experiment to test medicine before using. Although some people believe that make research and test effective
People believe that animal experiments are bad and should be banned. While others tend to believe the benefit that will lead to the importance of scientific discoveries. Although both arguments will bring pros and cons i
Opinion is divided on whether animal testing should be utilized to facilitate medical improvements of humankind or restricted as these experiments are inhumane. Although animal experiments benefit numerous fields, I am a
It is true that today, animal experimentation is often used to produce medicines and to help the safety of different products. A part of the population agrees with the fact that these experiments should not be permitted
Some people argue that using animals as lab rats for medical development is necessary, while others say that it is an inhumane act and should be abolished. Even if they are useful to humans, I believe that the beast shou
These days, many scientists or researchers use animals in order to ensure the safety of products or medicines. While others argue that this is a good way to protect us, I believe that this experiment needs to be stopped
These days, many scientists or researchers use animals in order to ensure the safety products or medicines. While the others argue that this is a good way to protect us, I believe that this experiment need to be stopped.
There is a controversial debate on animal experiments. While it cannot be deniable that essential scientific discoveries are attained by experiments on animals, this phenomenon should be banned because of its inhumanity.
It is true that new medicines and products are widely tested on animals prior to commercial release. Although I agree that animal experiments for medicine testings are advantageous to humans, animal could suffer from tra
It is true that medicines and cosmetic products are tested on animals before, they are cleared for human use. I would like to write about a few developments of medicines from animal experimentation.
Television has long been a subject of debate, someone arguing that is a mere waste of time while others don't think like that. The majority of houses have at a least one television. Let's discuss more about the pros and
Nowadays animal testing is a well-known phenomenon to develop new medicines and treatments, ensuring that they are safe for humans. Some people believe that experiments on animals should be prohibited due to detrimental
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