IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Indeed, the tourist industry has become the largest contributor to several economies across the globe. Some people believe that touring other lands is damaging relationships of countries because most of the time tourists
Throughout the world, the tourism corporation is more flourished than other businesses. While some believe that it creates tension rather than cooperation among other cultural peoples. I strongly believe that tourism has
While the tourism industry is known as one of the important elements in the global economy, unfortunately, cultures have not been introduced to other societies and it causes people to face hardships. I agree with this op
There has been a controversy about whether international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. I agree with this statement, and my reasons will be explained in the foll
With advancements in technology, it becomes easy to migrate from one country to another. One of the major industries around the globe is tourism, especially to other nations. Despite connecting the people to each other,
In modern society, it is true that more and more people prefer to be an entrepreneur than hire by a business. In this essay, I will provide the reasons to this situation and list disadvantages to why self-employed might
There is no denying the fact that presently cross border travelling has increased in recent years and promoted tourist destinations in order to boom touring sectors or to explore new cultures however plenty of folks peti
In this contemporary era, travelling becomes so easy and cheap that anyone can travel and visit another country. Some people think that international tourism cause problems among different natinalities, however I tend to
In this present world, international travel is a vast revolution, which is constantly rising. Even the pupils from different countries enjoy the usage and benefits of the aviation sector. The clash that international to
Recently, Global tourism has become an enormous industry in the world. Sadly, many people believe that the leisure industry has created stress instead of a harmonious environment among societies of various cultures belon
Global travel is indeed a major industry in the world nowadays. While some individuals argue that this tendency also facilitates a host of pressures instead of focusing on the comprehension between many distinctive cultu
Many countries see that tourism is one of the most impactful sectors for one's country income. However, some believe that due to different values between one country to another, it often creates a disruption rather than
Tourism is vital for the development and success of the economy all over the World. currently, worldwide tourism is one of the largest businesses in the world, however, it arises uncertainty among the individuals instead
Many countries have the main resource income from tourism. Although this trend creates more chances for people to get along with together by exposing the different cultural backgrounds, I would agree that there are more
Travelling globally is a significant part of the institution and it has some problematic issues where it creates anxiety in person mind from various rituals. From my perspective, this proposition is completely true.
In recent years, international tourism has become a major industry around the globe. Some people believe that international tourism is responsible for causing strain amongst the public from diverse areas. I strongly disa
In this contemporary world, people have become possible to travel around the world as they want. A certain proportion of people opine that this change just accelerates discord between nations, but does not enhance mature
In this day and age, globalization is extending at an unprecedented rate which leads to international tourism proliferation. On the other side of the story, the masses fear that foreign touristry is menacing the host pl
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