IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the recent years, various technological applications have been used to put people under surveillance through mobile phones and cameras without their awareness. In my opinion, these measures bring about more negative i
In contemporary, advanced technological devices are used to keep citizens under control and informed about their daily lives in a hidden way. Although this leads to the loss of personal privacy rights, I believe that mon
In the last few years, automation has developed rapidly. It is good for us, on the contrary on the other hand, technology has many disadvantages. Hackers can now keep watch on people, such as stalking smartphones and com
In the digital era, the improvement and advancement of technologies have provided various kinds of services, such as monitoring through cellphone tracking and security cameras. Due to this, there are several benefits an
Monitoring people's activities through electronic devices such as mobile phones and cameras is a growing practice in society recently. However, some people have issues with unnoticeable supervision which makes them unawa
Monitoring people activities through electronic devices such as mobile phones and cameras is a growing practice in society recently. However, some people have issues with unnoticeable supervision which makes them unaware
These days, the development of technology is being used to check someone's activities and what they are going to say. Sometimes, they do not even realise if this is happening. Although there is a drawback to doing this,
It is commonly known that technological advancement leads to an ascending trend of monitoring people's devices such as tracking cellphones and security CCVs. In most circumstances, the controlling act took place without
In the current time, the advancements in technology, governments tend to monitor people’s daily behaviour by different methods such as security cameras. However, most individuals are unaware of the fact that they are bei
As a result of the development of technology people's private life is less relevant year by year, due to the persistent monitoring by cell phone tracking. This essay will outline, how the possibility of tracking people d
Emerging technology has impacted human lives in such a manner that people most of the time are not aware that whatever they are performing is being monitored through security cameras or even being recorded and tracked by
Currently, modern devices are being utilized to observe people’s daily lives at a higher rate than ever before. However, the vast majority of humans are unconscious of this matter. From my perspective, it is limpid that
People have different views about the trend of monitoring people’s behaviour with technical devices. While it brings several benefits. I believe that it harms personal privacy and security. The disadvantages of this deve
The usage of technology has been growing significantly these past years. Now some governments are using it to check what people are doing or what they say on their phones, sometimes even without them knowing that they ar
While some people have an opinion that there is an increase in technological advancement in recording human’s voices and actions, others are not aware of this. I believe that there are numerous benefits of technological
In the last decade, the use of technology in our daily life is increased significantly. Due to this trend people are often filmed without be conscious. In this essay, I will discuss the benefit and drawbacks of this situ
The rapid development of technology is a growing concern for many public around the world. Governments are trying to apply policies on it but are failing successively due to its rapid transition and uncontrollable growth
It is true that more and more technology is being used to track people's actions, and many people do not realise that this is happening. Although this development could be beneficial to companies and the government, I p
When it comes to technology these days, it is more and more popular and used to track or monitor people. Furthermore, people don’t even know that they are being followed by another person. In my opinion, the benefits of
In this day and age, it is inevitable that technological advancements play a significant role in our lifestyle. Moreover, the number of monitored people's behaviours rise dramatically through cellphones and security came
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